Evaluation Projects

This is a list of the evaluation projects we have completed. To save space, we've left the dates off, but as a guide we've listed the most recent projects first under each heading. More detail about a selection of projects can be found here .

Evaluation of Healthy Eating Healthy Action Projects in the Waikato
Evaluation of the Breastfeeding Outpatients' Service for the Waikato District Health Board , Healthy Eating-Healthy Action (HEHA), Ministry of Health (with Jodie Robertson, Te Raukura Rangahau)
Evaluation of an Early Intervention Mental Health Counselling Vouchers project for the Waikato Primary Health Organisation
Evaluations of seven Health Promotion projects for the Waikato Primary Health Organisation (Fit 4 School, Workforce Development, Youth/Rangatahi Sexual Health, Local Government Advocacy, Sexual Health Training of Teachers, Smokefree All Stars, Innovative Fund)
Evaluation of a Community-based Mental Health Project for Pinnacle Health.
Evaluations of five Health Promotion projects for the Waikato Primary Health Organisation (Fit 4 School, Workforce Development, Advisory Committee Development, Smokefree All Stars, Smokefree Network)
Evaluations of two Health Promotion projects for the Pinnacle Taranaki Primary Health Organisation (Smokefree All Stars, Fit Kids)
Interim evaluation of two sexual and reproductive health pilot projects for Pacific Island young people for the Health Funding Authority (with Karen Ave)
Initial evaluation of two sexual and reproductive health pilot projects for Pacific Island people for the Health Funding Authority (with Karen Ave)

Community Development

Development of Evaluation Plan for National Cook Island Initiative to Reduce Alcohol Related Harm for Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand (ALAC)
Evaluation of the Community Partnerships Fund for Coromandel Independent Living Trust
Evaluation of the Integrated Catchment Management Pilot project for Environment Waikato
Evaluation of Strengthening Community Action on Alcohol Programme for the Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand (ALAC)
Review of the Waihi Community Vision and Vision Waihi Trust for Waihi Community Vision
Volunteer Services Review for the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind (with Kay Kristensen)
Evaluation and review of Hamilton City Council's Older Person's Policy, for Hamilton City Council

Training Programmes

Evaluation of CPS (Child Protection Studies) Training for the Todd Foundation and CPS
Evaluation of the Hamilton City Council's Employment Training Programme
Evaluation of the effectiveness and cultural appropriateness of a community-based parenting programme for The Salvation Army (with the University of Waikato)

Evaluation of Community Approach (a young offender programme) for Mt Roskill Police and Community Approach Board
Evaluation of the Community Magistrates Pilot Project for the Department for Courts (with Bev Hong, Lightshed Research)
Evaluation of Parenting Programmes in Prisons for the Department of Corrections (with Maori &Psychology Research Unit, University of Waikato)
Evaluation of the Crime Prevention Unit funded 'Safer Streets' projects (with University of Waikato)
Evaluation of the Status Hearings Pilot for the Department for Courts

Education and Social Development

Evaluation of the Hamilton Kauri Centre (an alternative school) for Child Youth and Family and Ministry of Education. The final report is available here .
Evaluation of the BOOST Pilot Programme for the New Zealand Income Support Service (with University of Waikato)

Ruth was contracted as an independent researcher to assist Ministry of Social Development staff researchers with the following projects:

Evaluation of First Response for the Ministry of Social Development
Review of the Youth Gangs Plan of Action for Counties Manukau for the Ministry of Social Development.
Evaluation of OSCAR Extended Services for the Ministry of Social Development
E valuation of the Family Start Study Awards for the Ministry of Social Development
Evaluation of the Teen Parent Service Co-ordinators for the Ministry of Social Development
Evaluation of the OSCAR (Out of School Care and Recreation) Extended Services for the Ministry of Social Development
Phase One of the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Family Start for the Ministry of Social Development
Evaluation of the Family Violence Intervention Project for the Ministry of Social Development

Road Safety and Social Marketing

Annual evaluation of the Young Road Users project (Ruben) for Environment Waikato (1999 -2009)
Evaluation of ACC Taranaki's Down With Speed programme
Meta-evaluation of ACC's national Down With Speed Community Programme
Evaluation of Regional Radio Campaign for Environment Waikato
Evaluation of Regional Billboard Campaign for Waikato Open Road Local Strategies Group
Evaluation of Regional Restraints project for Environment Waikato
Evaluation of Young Road Users project for Environment Waikato
Evaluation of "Passenger Power" project for Waikato Open Road Local Strategies Group
Meta-evaluation of ACC's National Safety Belt Campaign, for ACC
Evaluation of Operation increasing Road Safety project for ACC
Evaluation of Youth Initiatives project for Environment Waikato
Evaluation of Hamilton City Council's 'roundabout' road safety initiative
Evaluation of Waikato Region's 'take a break' road safety initiative

Why not contact us now about your project?

Food for Thought
Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.
Henry Ford