Fill Forms Faster: The 7 Best Autofill Chrome Extensions

In a digital age where efficiency is everything, Autofill Chrome extensions have emerged as the unsung heroes of productivity. These nifty tools, often overlooked in the grand scheme of online operations, can revolutionize the way you interact with web forms, password fields, and even routine online shopping checkouts.

Most people are used to autofill features that fill out your own information. But Magical does it even better by helping you autofill information from any of your open tabs. So say you're filling out the name of a person you want to add to a CRM like Salesforce from LinkedIn? Magical can autofill that for you. Or if you want to enter details about a customer ticket number from your internal database into a tracking form? Yeah, Magical can autofill that for you too.

2. LastPass: Password Manager

Next on our list is LastPass, a champion in the realm of password management. This handy extension does more than just remember your passwords. It generates complex, secure passwords for you, freeing you from the tedium of creation and the risk of forgetfulness. In addition to its primary function, LastPass offers secure notes for sensitive information, making it a comprehensive solution for your security needs.

3. RoboForm: Password Manager and Form Filler

Next, we have RoboForm, an extension that doubles as a password manager and form filler. RoboForm's unique strength lies in its ability to quickly fill forms with your personal information, saving you precious time. It's like having a personal assistant who remembers all your details, from your home address to your favorite pizza toppings. Combine this with its robust password management capabilities, and RoboForm becomes an indispensable tool in your productivity arsenal.

4. Dashlane: Password Manager and Secure Autofill

Dashlane is yet another powerful password manager, but it also shines with its secure autofill feature. It's designed to provide a seamless browsing experience by filling in your information swiftly and securely across different platforms. Dashlane stands out for its attention to security, offering features such as security alerts and password health scores. Definitely a must-try for those keen on protecting their digital identity while boosting productivity.

5. Form Filler: Simple and Effective Form Autofill

While the previous extensions offer a multitude of features, Form Filler focuses on doing one thing exceptionally well: filling forms. Its simplicity and effectiveness make it a favorite among users who frequently encounter online forms. Whether you're signing up for a new service or entering your shipping details for an online purchase, Form Filler makes the process a breeze.

6. Autofill by Google: Reliable and Fast Form Filling

Last but certainly not least is Autofill by Google. As the native autofill extension for Chrome, it integrates perfectly with the browser, providing reliable and fast form filling. Its seamless operation, coupled with the trustworthiness of the Google brand, makes it a solid choice for many users.

To fully maximize these extensions, be sure to familiarize yourself with the best chrome shortcuts and useful chrome hotkeys, as they can further enhance your browsing efficiency.

7. SimpleForm

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Simple Form Fill is a Chrome (and Firefox) extension designed to facilitate easy and efficient form filling. It allows users to fill forms quickly with predefined data by simply right-clicking on form fields. You can also add personal information to the extension's options, which is then available for form filling.

Choosing between these extensions might feel daunting, but remember that the best one for you depends on your specific needs and preferences. Do you prioritize password management, form filling, or a balance of both? Consider these questions as you explore these top autofill Chrome extensions, and you're bound to find a tool that can significantly boost your productivity.

How to Choose the Best Autofill Chrome Extension

Choosing an autofill Chrome extension that fits your needs can be a bit like navigating a maze; there's a multitude of options available and they all seem to offer something different. To simplify this process, there are three key factors to consider: security, ease of use, and compatibility.


When we entrust our data to a digital tool, we want to ensure it's well-guarded. The same applies to autofill extensions. As these tools hold your passwords, credit card information, and other sensitive data, the security infrastructure should be top-notch.

Look for extensions that offer end-to-end encryption, which ensures that your data is unreadable to anyone but you. Additionally, consider whether the extension has a strong track record in handling user data. It's also worth checking if it offers multi-factor authentication for an added layer of security.

Ease of Use

An effective tool should not only perform well but also be easy to use. After all, the whole point of using an autofill extension is to streamline your online activities, not complicate them.

Consider the user interface of the extension. Is it intuitive and straightforward to navigate? Does it require numerous clicks to perform a simple task? Does it seamlessly integrate with your browsing experience? These are some aspects to ponder over before making a choice.


Lastly, an autofill extension should be compatible with your devices and the sites you frequently visit. This ensures a smooth and efficient browsing experience.

Most extensions are compatible with a range of devices and browsers. However, it's worth checking whether the extension supports all your devices and if it works well with your frequently visited websites.

Moreover, remember that your chosen extension should ideally work in tandem with other Chrome tools that you use. For instance, if you use a lot of best chrome shortcuts or useful chrome hotkeys, ensure your selected extension doesn't interfere with them.

By considering these factors, you'll be able to choose an autofill extension that not only enhances your productivity but also ensures a secure and seamless browsing experience.

How to Install and Use Autofill Chrome Extensions

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

Elevating your browsing experience to the next level with autofill Chrome extensions is a breeze. Let's walk you through the process step-by-step:

    Open your Google Chrome browser: Autofill extensions are designed to work seamlessly with Chrome, so fire it up and get ready to enhance your productivity.

Voila! You've just installed your autofill Chrome extension. But how do you make the most out of it?

Tips for Using Autofill Extensions

Now that you've equipped your browser with this handy tool, here are some tips to help you use autofill extensions effectively:

Autofill extensions are just one way to supercharge your Chrome experience. Remember, the web is your oyster - explore, experiment, and enhance your browser to suit your unique needs. Happy browsing!

Start Autofilling with Magical today

We've all been there, filling out the same information on forms over and over again. That’s where autofill extensions come into play. These tools are not just about convenience, they are about enhancing your productivity and optimizing your time.

If you haven't tried an autofill extension yet, now is the perfect time to dip your toes into the water by adding Magical to Chrome today—it's free! Consider checking out our list of 250+ best chrome extensions for more ways to boost your productivity. And don't forget, knowing your way around Chrome can also save you time, so take a look at these best chrome shortcuts and useful chrome hotkeys