Housing Selection 2024-2025
For the lottery, points are assigned based on Class standing.
- Rising Seniors = 3 points
- Rising Juniors = 2 points
- Rising Sophomores = 1 points
A matched group with 4 rising seniors = 16 points | A matched group with 3 rising seniors and 1 rising junior = 15 points.
- If 2 groups have the same number of points. For example, 2 groups of 4 rising seniors each with 16 points. The 2 groups would be sent through a random number generator to determine the lottery order.
Priority will go to FULL suites.
- Even though a suite with 3 rising seniors would have 9 points, a suite with 4 rising juniors that has 8 points would go before the seniors on Quads night.
* This system is regulated by an SGA bylaw.
During Selection Week
- April 1st – Beeson 6-person & True Singles
- April 2nd – Doubles &
Triples *Triple spaces are no longer availablefor housing selection 24-25
- April 3rd – Quads
- April 4th – Late Submissions & Regroups
- Have your representative(s) attend your respective housing selection night based on what room/suite style you are after.
- Arrive at Lawson Auditorium at 6 pm on your designated night(s).
- Check in as the representative of your group and then receive your lottery number.
- Lottery numbers will be called one at a time
- Representatives will then go through the side hallway where the floorplans will be displayed and select a room that has a note indicating that it is still available
- Once selected, that person will remove the sticky note and present it to one of the Resident Directors to submit to the system.
- The Resident Director will need to know where all individuals in the room need to go.
- For example: For a Quad room, which 2 individuals will go in the A bedroom and which 2 will go in the B bedroom.
Be flexible – Keep an open mind and be flexible with your housing preferences, as your ideal choice may not be available. Come with multiple plans that would work for your group.
- Housing Selection: The process where current students choose housing for the next academic year.
- Roommates: Individuals who reside in the same bedroom as you.
- Suitemates: Individuals who reside in the same suite, but not in the same bedroom.
- Housing Portal: The online platform used for filling out the housing application, selecting roommates/suitemates, and choosing a meal plan.
- Housing Lottery: The process of assigning order numbers to groups on each selection night to determine the order of selection.
- Rising ____: The term used for what your year status will be next year. i.e. a Rising Sophomore is a current freshman.
- Singles: A room with 1 bed NOT within a suite
- Doubles: Rooms with 2 beds NOT within a suite.
Triples:A suite with 3 total beds
- Quads: A suite with 4 total beds
Email Us
Attend an Info Session
- Wed, March 27th, 5-6 pm Bartlett 101
- Thu, March 28th, 5-6 pm Barlett 101
Swing by the Office
- Anytime 10 am – 4 pm | Residence Life Office | Bartlett Hall 306