The Geneva Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action

The Geneva phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) has achieved what it set out to achieve: it placed a new subject on the agenda of international cooperation and raised awareness of the importance of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in shaping the future of mankind. It launched a process that will lead to the second phase of WSIS in Tunisia and beyond.

The Summit's success was due to the level of participation, the quality of the exchanges as well as the richness and diversity of the events that surrounded the political core of the Summit. The intensity of the three-day dialogue between representatives of governments and civil society showed that there was an urgent need for a high-level debate on the Information Society.

Geneva 2003 witnessed the launch of a new international dialogue and a new political concept, namely digital solidarity. It also set in motion an innovative political process. For the first time in the history of the United Nations, States invited civil society to participate in their debates. The Information Society came into being independently of governments, and in many ways it is the result of private initiatives. Cooperation between governments, the business sector, civil society and international organizations is therefore essential. This new form of international dialogue required a learning process for all actors involved which was not always easy. However, the result made the experience worthwhile and the final documents greatly benefited from the private sector and civil society inputs. We hope to further refine this multi-stakeholder cooperation in view of the second phase of the Summit. We also wish to commend the leadership of the International Telecommunication Union in organizing the first phase of the Summit.

The Declaration and the Plan of Action are good documents. The Declaration is akin to a constitution for the Information Society. It has political, social and economic dimensions. It defines ICTs as a tool for reaching the goals expressed in the Millennium Declaration and points the way to an Information Society that is accessible to all and based on shared knowledge.

The Plan of Action sets forth a clear commitment to translate these principles into practice and to meet concrete and tangible targets with the aim of promoting sustainable development. Now, we have to start its implementation in the spirit of partnership and multi-stakeholder cooperation.

In Geneva we have begun to lay the foundations of a new Information Society, characterized by solidarity and openness. The second phase of the Summit in Tunis is called upon to complete the edifice.

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Yoshio UTSUMI Kofi A. ANNAN Secretary-General Secretary-General United Nations International Telecommunication Union Geneva

The digital revolution is transforming society. If harnessed effectively, The digital revolution in Information and Communication Technologies information and communication technologies (ICTs) have the potential to has not only transformed the way we communicate. It has also greatly improve our social, economic and cultural lives. They can serve as dramatically changed the way we work, do business, interact, play, seek an engine for development in areas ranging from trade to telemedicine, information and learn. But the challenge facing us has been to harness and from education to environmental protction. They are tools with the potential of ICT for development and to ensure that the benefits of which to advance the cause of freedom and democracy. And they are this revolution are accessible to all. Overcoming this challenge has been vehicles with which to propagate knowledge and mutual understanding. the primary objective of the World Summit on the Information Society since it was first proposed at the 1998 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference Yet the majority of the world’s population has yet to benefit from and endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2001. these new technologies. That is why, at the Millennium Summit in 2000, world leaders pledged to work together to put ICTs at the service of It is my privilege to say that the first phase of the Summit successfully development as part of the eighth Millennium Development Goal: created a framework for an inclusive Information Society and the shared developing a global partnership for development. values needed to support it.

The World Summit on the Information Society, convened by the International Telecommunication Union Most significantly, world leaders agreed on the importance of ICTs in addressing many of the major in Geneva in December 2003, was a unique opportunity for all key players to develop a shared vision to social, political and economical problems and the critical role that the free flow of information, ideas and bridge the digital divide and create a truly global Information Society. knowledge could play in reaching the development goals enshrined in the Millennium Declaration.

Any Summit is a formidable logistical and political undertaking. This one was especially demanding The global commitment to the Principles and the Action Plan of the Summit, which was endorsed by because it was the first time that many issues linked to the Information Society were addressed at the the 175 States represented, was made possible by the exhaustive preparatory process which included international level. But in the end, despite difficulties and differences, negotiators were able to agree on a regional and thematic meetings, numerous Preparatory Committee meetings (PrepComs) and, most declaration of principles and plan of action that will allow Member States, and their partners in the private importantly, the dedicated involvement and significant contributions of representatives of all spheres of sector, civil society and the media, to work together to realize the enormous potential of information and society: governments, international organizations, civil society and business. communication technologies. That is a significant achievement. The successful outcome of the first phase of the Summit is only the start of a long process however. We now look forward to the Summit’s second phase, which will take place in Tunisia in November 2005. We now need to transform the vision and plans adopted in Geneva into concrete action. Work has In the meantime, we must do our utmost to build on the foundations of the Information Society that have already begun and appropriate mechanisms are in place to monitor and evaluate progress. already been put in place, and draw concrete results from the many partnerships and proposals that blossomed in Geneva. We are proud of the achievements of the Summit, which are in no small way the result of an extraordinary level of cooperation and a unique multi-stakeholder strategy, as well as the dedication of ITU and United Nations staff. In particular we appreciate the efforts of the host country Switzerland in ensuring the successful outcome of a complex process. It is now critical that all stakeholders maintain the momentum so that the positive achievements of the first phase can be brought to fruition.

By working together towards the second phase of the Summit to be held in Tunis in November 2005, we can fulfil the great promise of the information society: a future where improved communication will make the world a more equitable, peaceful and sustainable place for all. Kofi A. ANNAN


the free and full development of their personality is possible, and that, in the exercise of their rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are Geneva Declaration of Principles determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. These rights and freedoms may in no case Building the Information Society: be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. In this way, we a global challenge in the new Millennium shall promote an Information Society where human dignity is respected.

A. Our Common Vision of the Information Society 6. In keeping with the spirit of this declaration, we rededicate ourselves to upholding the principle of the sovereign equality of all States. 1. We, the representatives of the peoples of the world, assembled in Geneva from 10- 12 December 2003 for the first phase of the World Summit on the Information 7. We recognize that science has a central role in the development of the Information Society. Society, declare our common desire and commitment to build a people-centred, inclusive Many of the building blocks of the Information Society are the result of scientific and and development-oriented Information Society, where everyone can create, access, utilize technical advances made possible by the sharing of research results. and share information and knowledge, enabling individuals, communities and peoples to achieve their full potential in promoting their sustainable development and improving their 8. We recognize that education, knowledge, information and communication are at the core quality of life, premised on the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United of human progress, endeavour and well-being. Further, Information and Communication Nations and respecting fully and upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Technologies (ICTs) have an immense impact on virtually all aspects of our lives. The rapid progress of these technologies opens completely new opportunities to attain higher levels of 2. Our challenge is to harness the potential of information and communication technology to development. The capacity of these technologies to reduce many traditional obstacles, promote the development goals of the Millennium Declaration, namely the eradication of especially those of time and distance, for the first time in history makes it possible to use the extreme poverty and hunger; achievement of universal primary education; promotion of potential of these technologies for the benefit of millions of people in all corners of the gender equality and empowerment of women; reduction of child mortality; improvement of world. maternal health; to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; ensuring environmental sustainability; and development of global partnerships for development for the attainment 9. We are aware that ICTs should be regarded as tools and not as an end in themselves. of a more peaceful, just and prosperous world. We also reiterate our commitment to the Under favourable conditions, these technologies can be a powerful instrument, increasing achievement of sustainable development and agreed development goals, as contained in the productivity, generating economic growth, job creation and employability and improving the Johannesburg Declaration and Plan of Implementation and the Monterrey Consensus, and quality of life of all. They can also promote dialogue among people, nations and civilizations. other outcomes of relevant United Nations Summits. 10. We are also fully aware that the benefits of the information technology revolution are 3. We reaffirm the universality, indivisibility, interdependence and interrelation of all human today unevenly distributed between the developed and developing countries and within rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to development, as enshrined in the societies. We are fully committed to turning this digital divide into a digital opportunity for Vienna Declaration. We also reaffirm that democracy, sustainable development, and respect all, particularly for those who risk being left behind and being further marginalized. for human rights and fundamental freedoms as well as good governance at all levels are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. We further resolve to strengthen respect for the 11. We are committed to realizing our common vision of the Information Society for ourselves rule of law in international as in national affairs. and for future generations. We recognize that young people are the future workforce and leading creators and earliest adopters of ICTs. They must therefore be empowered as 4. We reaffirm, as an essential foundation of the Information Society, and as outlined in learners, developers, contributors, entrepreneurs and decision-makers. We must focus Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that everyone has the right to especially on young people who have not yet been able to benefit fully from the freedom of opinion and expression; that this right includes freedom to hold opinions opportunities provided by ICTs. We are also committed to ensuring that the development of without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any ICT applications and operation of services respects the rights of children as well as their media and regardless of frontiers. Communication is a fundamental social process, a basic protection and well-being. human need and the foundation of all social organization. It is central to the Information Society. Everyone, everywhere should have the opportunity to participate and no one should 12. We affirm that development of ICTs provides enormous opportunities for women, who be excluded from the benefits the Information Society offers. should be an integral part of, and key actors, in the Information Society. We are committed to ensuring that the Information Society enables women's empowerment and their full 5. We further reaffirm our commitment to the provisions of Article 29 of the Universal participation on the basis on equality in all spheres of society and in all decision-making Declaration of Human Rights, that everyone has duties to the community in which alone processes. To this end, we should mainstream a gender equality perspective and use ICTs as a tool to that end.


13. In building the Information Society, we shall pay particular attention to the special needs international organizations have an important role and responsibility in the development of of marginalized and vulnerable groups of society, including migrants, internally displaced the Information Society and, as appropriate, in decision-making processes. Building a persons and refugees, unemployed and underprivileged people, minorities and nomadic people-centred Information Society is a joint effort which requires cooperation and people. We shall also recognize the special needs of older persons and persons with partnership among all stakeholders. disabilities. 2) Information and communication infrastructure: an essential foundation for an 14. We are resolute to empower the poor, particularly those living in remote, rural and inclusive information society marginalized urban areas, to access information and to use ICTs as a tool to support their efforts to lift themselves out of poverty. 21. Connectivity is a central enabling agent in building the Information Society. Universal, ubiquitous, equitable and affordable access to ICT infrastructure and services, constitutes 15. In the evolution of the Information Society, particular attention must be given to the special one of the challenges of the Information Society and should be an objective of all situation of indigenous peoples, as well as to the preservation of their heritage and their stakeholders involved in building it. Connectivity also involves access to energy and postal cultural legacy. services, which should be assured in conformity with the domestic legislation of each country. 16. We continue to pay special attention to the particular needs of people of developing countries, countries with economies in transition, Least Developed Countries, Small Island 22. A well-developed information and communication network infrastructure and applications, Developing States, Landlocked Developing Countries, Highly Indebted Poor Countries, adapted to regional, national and local conditions, easily-accessible and affordable, and countries and territories under occupation, countries recovering from conflict and countries making greater use of broadband and other innovative technologies where possible, can and regions with special needs as well as to conditions that pose severe threats to accelerate the social and economic progress of countries, and the well-being of all development, such as natural disasters. individuals, communities and peoples.

17. We recognize that building an inclusive Information Society requires new forms of 23. Policies that create a favourable climate for stability, predictability and fair competition at all solidarity, partnership and cooperation among governments and other stakeholders, i.e. the levels should be developed and implemented in a manner that not only attracts more private sector, civil society and international organizations. Realizing that the ambitious goal private investment for ICT infrastructure development but also enables universal service of this Declaration—bridging the digital divide and ensuring harmonious, fair and equitable obligations to be met in areas where traditional market conditions fail to work. In development for all—will require strong commitment by all stakeholders, we call for digital disadvantaged areas, the establishment of ICT public access points in places such as post solidarity, both at national and international levels. offices, schools, libraries and archives, can provide effective means for ensuring universal access to the infrastructure and services of the Information Society. 18. Nothing in this Declaration shall be construed as impairing, contradicting, restricting or derogating from the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal 3) Access to information and knowledge Declaration of Human Rights, any other international instrument or national laws adopted in furtherance of these instruments. 24. The ability for all to access and contribute information, ideas and knowledge is essential in an inclusive Information Society. B. An Information Society for All: Key Principles 25. The sharing and strengthening of global knowledge for development can be enhanced by 19. We are resolute in our quest to ensure that everyone can benefit from the opportunities removing barriers to equitable access to information for economic, social, political, health, that ICTs can offer. We agree that to meet these challenges, all stakeholders should work cultural, educational, and scientific activities and by facilitating access to public domain together to: improve access to information and communication infrastructure and information, including by universal design and the use of assistive technologies. technologies as well as to information and knowledge; build capacity; increase confidence and security in the use of ICTs; create an enabling environment at all levels; develop and 26. A rich public domain is an essential element for the growth of the Information Society, widen ICT applications; foster and respect cultural diversity; recognize the role of the media; creating multiple benefits such as an educated public, new jobs, innovation, business address the ethical dimensions of the Information Society; and encourage international and opportunities, and the advancement of sciences. Information in the public domain should regional cooperation. We agree that these are the key principles for building an inclusive be easily accessible to support the Information Society, and protected from Information Society. misappropriation. Public institutions such as libraries and archives, museums, cultural collections and other community-based access points should be strengthened so as to 1) The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development promote the preservation of documentary records and free and equitable access to information. 20. Governments, as well as private sector, civil society and the United Nations and other


27. Access to information and knowledge can be promoted by increasing awareness among all 5) Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs stakeholders of the possibilities offered by different software models, including proprietary, open-source and free software, in order to increase competition, access by users, diversity 35. Strengthening the trust framework, including information security and network security, of choice, and to enable all users to develop solutions which best meet their requirements. authentication, privacy and consumer protection, is a prerequisite for the development of Affordable access to software should be considered as an important component of a truly the Information Society and for building confidence among users of ICTs. A global culture inclusive Information Society. of cyber-security needs to be promoted, developed and implemented in cooperation with all stakeholders and international expert bodies. These efforts should be supported by 28. We strive to promote universal access with equal opportunities for all to scientific increased international cooperation. Within this global culture of cyber-security, it is knowledge and the creation and dissemination of scientific and technical information, important to enhance security and to ensure the protection of data and privacy, while including open access initiatives for scientific publishing. enhancing access and trade. In addition, it must take into account the level of social and economic development of each country and respect the development-oriented aspects of 4) Capacity building the Information Society.

29. Each person should have the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge in 36. While recognizing the principles of universal and non-discriminatory access to ICTs for all order to understand, participate actively in, and benefit fully from, the Information Society nations, we support the activities of the United Nations to prevent the potential use of ICTs and the knowledge economy. Literacy and universal primary education are key factors for for purposes that are inconsistent with the objectives of maintaining international stability building a fully inclusive information society, paying particular attention to the special needs and security, and may adversely affect the integrity of the infrastructure within States, to of girls and women. Given the wide range of ICT and information specialists required at all the detriment of their security. It is necessary to prevent the use of information resources levels, building institutional capacity deserves special attention. and technologies for criminal and terrorist purposes, while respecting human rights.

30. The use of ICTs in all stages of education, training and human resource development should 37. Spam is a significant and growing problem for users, networks and the Internet as a whole. be promoted, taking into account the special needs of persons with disabilities and Spam and cyber-security should be dealt with at appropriate national and international levels. disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. 6) Enabling environment 31. Continuous and adult education, re-training, life-long learning, distance-learning and other special services, such as telemedicine, can make an essential contribution to employability 38. An enabling environment at national and international levels is essential for the Information and help people benefit from the new opportunities offered by ICTs for traditional jobs, Society. ICTs should be used as an important tool for good governance. self-employment and new professions. Awareness and literacy in ICTs are an essential foundation in this regard. 39. The rule of law, accompanied by a supportive, transparent, pro-competitive, technologically neutral and predictable policy and regulatory framework reflecting national realities, is 32. Content creators, publishers, and producers, as well as teachers, trainers, archivists, librarians essential for building a people-centred Information Society. Governments should intervene, and learners, should play an active role in promoting the Information Society, particularly in as appropriate, to correct market failures, to maintain fair competition, to attract the Least Developed Countries. investment, to enhance the development of the ICT infrastructure and applications, to maximize economic and social benefits, and to serve national priorities. 33. To achieve a sustainable development of the Information Society, national capability in ICT research and development should be enhanced. Furthermore, partnerships, in particular 40. A dynamic and enabling international environment, supportive of foreign direct investment, between and among developed and developing countries, including countries with transfer of technology, and international cooperation, particularly in the areas of finance, economies in transition, in research and development, technology transfer, manufacturing debt and trade, as well as full and effective participation of developing countries in global and utilization of ICT products and services are crucial for promoting capacity building and decision-making, are vital complements to national development efforts related to ICTs. global participation in the Information Society. The manufacture of ICTs presents a Improving global affordable connectivity would contribute significantly to the effectiveness significant opportunity for creation of wealth. of these development efforts.

34. The attainment of our shared aspirations, in particular for developing countries and 41. ICTs are an important enabler of growth through efficiency gains and increased productivity, countries with economies in transition, to become fully-fledged members of the Information in particular by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). In this regard, the development Society, and their positive integration into the knowledge economy, depends largely on of the Information Society is important for broadly-based economic growth in both increased capacity building in the areas of education, technology know-how and access to developed and developing economies. ICT-supported productivity gains and applied information, which are major factors in determining development and competitiveness. innovations across economic sectors should be fostered. Equitable distribution of the benefits contributes to poverty eradication and social development. Policies that foster


productive investment and enable firms, notably SMEs, to make the changes needed to a) Policy authority for Internet-related public policy issues is the sovereign right of seize the benefits from ICTs, are likely to be the most beneficial. States. They have rights and responsibilities for international Internet-related public policy issues; 42. Intellectual Property protection is important to encourage innovation and creativity in the b) The private sector has had and should continue to have an important role in the Information Society; similarly, the wide dissemination, diffusion, and sharing of knowledge is development of the Internet, both in the technical and economic fields; important to encourage innovation and creativity. Facilitating meaningful participation by all c) Civil society has also played an important role on Internet matters, especially at in intellectual property issues and knowledge sharing through full awareness and capacity community level, and should continue to play such a role; building is a fundamental part of an inclusive Information Society. d) Intergovernmental organizations have had and should continue to have a facilitating role in the coordination of Internet-related public policy issues; 43. Sustainable development can best be advanced in the Information Society when ICT-related e) International organizations have also had and should continue to have an efforts and programmes are fully integrated in national and regional development strategies. important role in the development of Internet-related technical standards and We welcome the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and encourage the relevant policies. international community to support the ICT-related measures of this initiative as well as those belonging to similar efforts in other regions. Distribution of the benefits of ICT-driven 50. International Internet governance issues should be addressed in a coordinated manner. We growth contributes to poverty eradication and sustainable development. ask the Secretary-General of the United Nations to set up a working group on Internet governance, in an open and inclusive process that ensures a mechanism for the full and 44. Standardization is one of the essential building blocks of the Information Society. There active participation of governments, the private sector and civil society from both should be particular emphasis on the development and adoption of international standards. developing and developed countries, involving relevant intergovernmental and international The development and use of open, interoperable, non-discriminatory and demand-driven organizations and forums, to investigate and make proposals for action, as appropriate, on standards that take into account needs of users and consumers is a basic element for the the governance of Internet by 2005. development and greater diffusion of ICTs and more affordable access to them, particularly in developing countries. International standards aim to create an environment where 7) ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life consumers can access services worldwide regardless of underlying technology. 51. The usage and deployment of ICTs should seek to create benefits in all aspects of our daily 45. The radio frequency spectrum should be managed in the public interest and in accordance life. ICT applications are potentially important in government operations and services, health with principle of legality, with full observance of national laws and regulation as well as care and health information, education and training, employment, job creation, business, relevant international agreements. agriculture, transport, protection of environment and management of natural resources, disaster prevention, and culture, and to promote eradication of poverty and other agreed 46. In building the Information Society, States are strongly urged to take steps with a view to development goals. ICTs should also contribute to sustainable production and consumption the avoidance of, and refrain from, any unilateral measure not in accordance with patterns and reduce traditional barriers, providing an opportunity for all to access local and international law and the Charter of the United Nations that impedes the full achievement global markets in a more equitable manner. Applications should be user-friendly, accessible of economic and social development by the population of the affected countries, and that to all, affordable, adapted to local needs in languages and cultures, and support sustainable hinders the well-being of their population. development. To this effect, local authorities should play a major role in the provision of ICT services for the benefit of their populations. 47. Recognizing that ICTs are progressively changing our working practices, the creation of a secure, safe and healthy working environment, appropriate to the utilisation of ICTs, 8) Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content respecting all relevant international norms, is fundamental. 52. Cultural diversity is the common heritage of humankind. The Information Society should be 48. The Internet has evolved into a global facility available to the public and its governance founded on and stimulate respect for cultural identity, cultural and linguistic diversity, should constitute a core issue of the Information Society agenda. The international traditions and religions, and foster dialogue among cultures and civilizations. The management of the Internet should be multilateral, transparent and democratic, with the promotion, affirmation and preservation of diverse cultural identities and languages as full involvement of governments, the private sector, civil society and international reflected in relevant agreed United Nations documents including UNESCO's Universal organizations. It should ensure an equitable distribution of resources, facilitate access for all Declaration on Cultural Diversity, will further enrich the Information Society. and ensure a stable and secure functioning of the Internet, taking into account multilingualism. 53. The creation, dissemination and preservation of content in diverse languages and formats must be accorded high priority in building an inclusive Information Society, paying particular 49. The management of the Internet encompasses both technical and public policy issues and attention to the diversity of supply of creative work and due recognition of the rights of should involve all stakeholders and relevant intergovernmental and international authors and artists. It is essential to promote the production of and accessibility to all organizations. In this respect it is recognized that: content—educational, scientific, cultural or recreational—in diverse languages and formats.


The development of local content suited to domestic or regional needs will encourage social 61. In order to build an inclusive global Information Society, we will seek and effectively and economic development and will stimulate participation of all stakeholders, including implement concrete international approaches and mechanisms, including financial and people living in rural, remote and marginal areas. technical assistance. Therefore, while appreciating ongoing ICT cooperation through various mechanisms, we invite all stakeholders to commit to the “Digital Solidarity Agenda” set 54. The preservation of cultural heritage is a crucial component of identity and self–understanding forth in the Plan of Action. We are convinced that the worldwide agreed objective is to of individuals that links a community to its past. The Information Society should harness and contribute to bridge the digital divide, promote access to ICTs, create digital opportunities, preserve cultural heritage for the future by all appropriate methods, including digitisation. and benefit from the potential offered by ICTs for development. We recognize the will expressed by some to create an international voluntary “Digital Solidarity Fund”, and by 9) Media others to undertake studies concerning existing mechanisms and the efficiency and feasibility of such a Fund. 55. We reaffirm our commitment to the principles of freedom of the press and freedom of information, as well as those of the independence, pluralism and diversity of media, which 62. Regional integration contributes to the development of the global Information Society and are essential to the Information Society. Freedom to seek, receive, impart and use makes strong cooperation within and among regions indispensable. Regional dialogue information for the creation, accumulation and dissemination of knowledge are important to should contribute to national capacity building and to the alignment of national strategies the Information Society. We call for the responsible use and treatment of information by the with the goals of this Declaration of Principles in a compatible way, while respecting media in accordance with the highest ethical and professional standards. Traditional media in national and regional particularities. In this context, we welcome and encourage the all their forms have an important role in the Information Society and ICTs should play a international community to support the ICT-related measures of such initiatives. supportive role in this regard. Diversity of media ownership should be encouraged, in conformity with national law, and taking into account relevant international conventions. We 63. We resolve to assist developing countries, LDCs and countries with economies in transition reaffirm the necessity of reducing international imbalances affecting the media, particularly as through the mobilization from all sources of financing, the provision of financial and regards infrastructure, technical resources and the development of human skills. technical assistance and by creating an environment conducive to technology transfer, consistent with the purposes of this Declaration and the Plan of Action. 10) Ethical dimensions of the Information Society 64. The core competences of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in the fields of 56. The Information Society should respect peace and uphold the fundamental values of ICTs—assistance in bridging the digital divide, international and regional cooperation, radio freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, shared responsibility, and respect for nature. spectrum management, standards development and the dissemination of information—are of crucial importance for building the Information Society. 57. We acknowledge the importance of ethics for the Information Society, which should foster justice, and the dignity and worth of the human person. The widest possible protection C. Towards an Information Society for All Based should be accorded to the family and to enable it to play its crucial role in society. on Shared Knowledge 58. The use of ICTs and content creation should respect human rights and fundamental 65. We commit ourselves to strengthening cooperation to seek common responses to the freedoms of others, including personal privacy, and the right to freedom of thought, challenges and to the implementation of the Plan of Action, which will realize the vision of conscience, and religion in conformity with relevant international instruments. an inclusive Information Society based on the Key Principles incorporated in this Declaration.

59. All actors in the Information Society should take appropriate actions and preventive 66. We further commit ourselves to evaluate and follow-up progress in bridging the digital measures, as determined by law, against abusive uses of ICTs, such as illegal and other acts divide, taking into account different levels of development, so as to reach internationally motivated by racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance, hatred, agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration, and to violence, all forms of child abuse, including paedophilia and child pornography, and assess the effectiveness of investment and international cooperation efforts in building the trafficking in, and exploitation of, human beings. Information Society.

11) International and regional cooperation 67. We are firmly convinced that we are collectively entering a new era of enormous potential, that of the Information Society and expanded human communication. In this emerging 60. We aim at making full use of the opportunities offered by ICTs in our efforts to reach the society, information and knowledge can be produced, exchanged, shared and internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium communicated through all the networks of the world. All individuals can soon, if we take Declaration, and to uphold the key principles set forth in this Declaration. The Information the necessary actions, together build a new Information Society based on shared knowledge Society is intrinsically global in nature and national efforts need to be supported by and founded on global solidarity and a better mutual understanding between peoples and effective international and regional cooperation among governments, the private sector, civil nations. We trust that these measures will open the way to the future development of a society and other stakeholders, including the international financial institutions. true knowledge society.

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B. Objectives, goals and targets Geneva Plan of Action 4. The objectives of the Plan of Action are to build an inclusive Information Society; to put the potential of knowledge and ICTs at the service of development; to promote the use of information and knowledge for the achievement of internationally agreed development A. Introduction goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration; and to address new challenges of the Information Society, at the national, regional and international levels. 1. The common vision and guiding principles of the Declaration are translated in this Plan of Opportunity shall be taken in phase two of the WSIS to evaluate and assess progress made Action into concrete action lines to advance the achievement of the internationally-agreed towards bridging the digital divide. development goals, including those in the Millennium Declaration, the Monterrey Consensus and the Johannesburg Declaration and Plan of Implementation, by promoting the use of 5. Specific targets for the Information Society will be established as appropriate, at the ICT-based products, networks, services and applications, and to help countries overcome the national level in the framework of national e-strategies and in accordance with national digital divide. The Information Society envisaged in the Declaration of Principles will be development policies, taking into account the different national circumstances. Such targets realized in cooperation and solidarity by governments and all other stakeholders. can serve as useful benchmarks for actions and for the evaluation of the progress made towards the attainment of the overall objectives of the Information Society. 2. The Information Society is an evolving concept that has reached different levels across the world, reflecting the different stages of development. Technological and other change is 6. Based on internationally agreed development goals, including those in the Millennium rapidly transforming the environment in which the Information Society is developed. The Declaration, which are premised on international cooperation, indicative targets may serve Plan of Action is thus an evolving platform to promote the Information Society at the as global references for improving connectivity and access in the use of ICTs in promoting national, regional and international levels. The unique two-phase structure of the World the objectives of the Plan of Action, to be achieved by 2015. These targets may be taken Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) provides an opportunity to take this evolution into account in the establishment of the national targets, considering the different national into account. circumstances:

3. All stakeholders have an important role to play in the Information Society, especially a) to connect villages with ICTs and establish community access points; through partnerships: b) to connect universities, colleges, secondary schools and primary schools with ICTs; c) to connect scientific and research centres with ICTs; a) Governments have a leading role in developing and implementing comprehensive, d) to connect public libraries, cultural centres, museums, post offices and archives with forward looking and sustainable national e-strategies. The private sector and civil ICTs; society, in dialogue with governments, have an important consultative role to e) to connect health centres and hospitals with ICTs; play in devising national e-strategies. f) to connect all local and central government departments and establish websites and b) The commitment of the private sector is important in developing and diffusing email addresses; information and communication technologies (ICTs), for infrastructure, content g) to adapt all primary and secondary school curricula to meet the challenges of the and applications. The private sector is not only a market player but also plays a Information Society, taking into account national circumstances; role in a wider sustainable development context. h) to ensure that all of the world's population have access to television and radio c) The commitment and involvement of civil society is equally important in creating services; an equitable Information Society, and in implementing ICT-related initiatives for i) to encourage the development of content and to put in place technical conditions development. in order to facilitate the presence and use of all world languages on the Internet; d) International and regional institutions, including international financial institutions, j) to ensure that more than half the world’s inhabitants have access to ICTs within have a key role in integrating the use of ICTs in the development process and their reach. making available necessary resources for building the Information Society and for the evaluation of the progress made. 7. In giving effect to these objectives, goals and targets, special attention will be paid to the needs of developing countries, and in particular to countries, peoples and groups cited in paragraphs 11-16 of the Declaration of Principles.


C. Action Lines a) Governments should take action, in the framework of national development policies, in order to support an enabling and competitive environment for the necessary C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders investment in ICT infrastructure and for the development of new services. in the promotion of ICTs for development b) In the context of national e-strategies, devise appropriate universal access policies and strategies, and their means of implementation, in line with the indicative targets, and 8. The effective participation of governments and all stakeholders is vital in developing the develop ICT connectivity indicators. Information Society requiring cooperation and partnerships among all of them. c) In the context of national e-strategies, provide and improve ICT connectivity for all schools, universities, health institutions, libraries, post offices, community centres, a) Development of national e-strategies, including the necessary human capacity museums and other institutions accessible to the public, in line with the indicative targets. building, should be encouraged by all countries by 2005, taking into account d) Develop and strengthen national, regional and international broadband network different national circumstances. infrastructure, including delivery by satellite and other systems, to help in providing the b) Initiate at the national level a structured dialogue involving all relevant stakeholders, capacity to match the needs of countries and their citizens and for the delivery of new including through public/private partnerships, in devising e-strategies for the ICT-based services. Support technical, regulatory and operational studies by the Information Society and for the exchange of best practices. International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and, as appropriate, other relevant c) In developing and implementing national e-strategies, stakeholders should take into international organizations in order to: consideration local, regional and national needs and concerns. To maximize the i) broaden access to orbital resources, global frequency harmonization and global benefits of initiatives undertaken, these should include the concept of sustainability. systems standardization; The private sector should be engaged in concrete projects to develop the ii) encourage public/private partnership; Information Society at local, regional and national levels. iii)promote the provision of global high-speed satellite services for underserved d) Each country is encouraged to establish at least one functioning Public/Private areas such as remote and sparsely populated areas; Partnership (PPP) or Multi-Sector Partnership (MSP), by 2005 as a showcase for iv)explore other systems that can provide high-speed connectivity. future action. e) In the context of national e-strategies, address the special requirements of older people, e) Identify mechanisms, at the national, regional and international levels, for the persons with disabilities, children, especially marginalized children and other initiation and promotion of partnerships among stakeholders of the Information disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, including by appropriate educational administrative Society. and legislative measures to ensure their full inclusion in the Information Society. f) Explore the viability of establishing multi-stakeholder portals for indigenous peoples f) Encourage the design and production of ICT equipment and services so that everyone, at the national level. has easy and affordable access to them including older people, persons with disabilities, g) By 2005, relevant international organizations and financial institutions should develop children, especially marginalized children, and other disadvantaged and vulnerable their own strategies for the use of ICTs for sustainable development, including groups, and promote the development of technologies, applications, and content suited sustainable production and consumption patterns and as an effective instrument to to their needs, guided by the Universal Design Principle and further enhanced by the help achieve the goals expressed in the United Nations Millennium Declaration. use of assistive technologies. h) International organizations should publish, in their areas of competence, including on g) In order to alleviate the challenges of illiteracy, develop affordable technologies and their website, reliable information submitted by relevant stakeholders on successful non-text based computer interfaces to facilitate people’s access to ICT, experiences of mainstreaming ICTs. h) Undertake international research and development efforts aimed at making available i) Encourage a series of related measures, including, among other things: incubator adequate and affordable ICT equipment for end users. schemes, venture capital investments (national and international), government i) Encourage the use of unused wireless capacity, including satellite, in developed countries investment funds (including micro-finance for Small, Medium-sized and Micro and in particular in developing countries, to provide access in remote areas, especially in Enterprises (SMMEs), investment promotion strategies, software export support developing countries and countries with economies in transition, and to improve low- activities (trade counseling), support of research and development networks and cost connectivity in developing countries. Special concern should be given to the Least software parks. Developed Countries in their efforts in establishing telecommunication infrastructure. j) Optimize connectivity among major information networks by encouraging the creation C2. Information and communication infrastructure: and development of regional ICT backbones and Internet exchange points, to reduce an essential foundation for the Information Society interconnection costs and broaden network access. k) Develop strategies for increasing affordable global connectivity, thereby facilitating 9. Infrastructure is central in achieving the goal of digital inclusion, enabling universal, improved access. Commercially negotiated Internet transit and interconnection costs sustainable, ubiquitous and affordable access to ICTs by all, taking into account relevant should be oriented towards objective, transparent and non-discriminatory parameters, solutions already in place in developing countries and countries with economies in taking into account ongoing work on this subject. transition, to provide sustainable connectivity and access to remote and marginalized areas l) Encourage and promote joint use of traditional media and new technologies. at national and regional levels.


C3. Access to information and knowledge C4. Capacity building

10. ICTs allow people, anywhere in the world, to access information and knowledge almost 11. Everyone should have the necessary skills to benefit fully from the Information Society. instantaneously. Individuals, organizations and communities should benefit from access to Therefore capacity building and ICT literacy are essential. ICTs can contribute to achieving knowledge and information. universal education worldwide, through delivery of education and training of teachers, and offering improved conditions for lifelong learning, encompassing people that are outside the a) Develop policy guidelines for the development and promotion of public domain formal education process, and improving professional skills. information as an important international instrument promoting public access to information. a) Develop domestic policies to ensure that ICTs are fully integrated in education and b) Governments are encouraged to provide adequate access through various training at all levels, including in curriculum development, teacher training, communication resources, notably the Internet, to public official information. institutional administration and management, and in support of the concept of Establishing legislation on access to information and the preservation of public data, lifelong learning. notably in the area of the new technologies, is encouraged. b) Develop and promote programmes to eradicate illiteracy using ICTs at national, c) Promote research and development to facilitate accessibility of ICTs for all, including regional and international levels. disadvantaged, marginalized and vulnerable groups. c) Promote e-literacy skills for all, for example by designing and offering courses for d) Governments, and other stakeholders, should establish sustainable multi-purpose public administration, taking advantage of existing facilities such as libraries, community public access points, providing affordable or free-of-charge access for multipurpose community centres, public access points and by establishing local ICT their citizens to the various communication resources, notably the Internet. These training centres with the cooperation of all stakeholders. Special attention should be access points should, to the extent possible, have sufficient capacity to provide paid to disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. assistance to users, in libraries, educational institutions, public administrations, post d) In the context of national educational policies, and taking into account the need to offices or other public places, with special emphasis on rural and underserved areas, eradicate adult illiteracy, ensure that young people are equipped with knowledge while respecting intellectual property rights (IPRs) and encouraging the use of and skills to use ICTs, including the capacity to analyse and treat information in information and sharing of knowledge. creative and innovative ways, share their expertise and participate fully in the e) Encourage research and promote awareness among all stakeholders of the Information Society. possibilities offered by different software models, and the means of their creation, e) Governments, in cooperation with other stakeholders, should create programmes for including proprietary, open-source and free software, in order to increase capacity building with an emphasis on creating a critical mass of qualified and competition, freedom of choice and affordability, and to enable all stakeholders to skilled ICT professionals and experts. evaluate which solution best meets their requirements. f) Develop pilot projects to demonstrate the impact of ICT-based alternative f) Governments should actively promote the use of ICTs as a fundamental working tool educational delivery systems, notably for achieving Education for All targets, by their citizens and local authorities. In this respect, the international community including basic literacy targets. and other stakeholders should support capacity building for local authorities in the g) Work on removing the gender barriers to ICT education and training and promoting widespread use of ICTs as a means of improving local governance. equal training opportunities in ICT-related fields for women and girls. Early g) Encourage research on the Information Society, including on innovative forms of intervention programmes in science and technology should target young girls with networking, adaptation of ICT infrastructure, tools and applications that facilitate the aim of increasing the number of women in ICT careers. Promote the exchange accessibility of ICTs for all, and disadvantaged groups in particular. of best practices on the integration of gender perspectives in ICT education. h) Support the creation and development of a digital public library and archive services, h) Empower local communities, especially those in rural and underserved areas, in ICT adapted to the Information Society, including reviewing national library strategies use and promote the production of useful and socially meaningful content for the and legislation, developing a global understanding of the need for “hybrid libraries”, benefit of all. and fostering worldwide cooperation between libraries. i) Launch education and training programmes, where possible using information i) Encourage initiatives to facilitate access, including free and affordable access to open networks of traditional nomadic and indigenous peoples, which provide access journals and books, and open archives for scientific information. opportunities to fully participate in the Information Society. j) Support research and development of the design of useful instruments for all j) Design and implement regional and international cooperation activities to enhance stakeholders to foster increased awareness, assessment, and evaluation of different the capacity, notably, of leaders and operational staff in developing countries and software models and licences, so as to ensure an optimal choice of appropriate LDCs, to apply ICTs effectively in the whole range of educational activities. This software that will best contribute to achieving development goals within local should include delivery of education outside the educational structure, such as the conditions. workplace and at home.


k) Design specific training programmes in the use of ICTs in order to meet the g) Share good practices in the field of information security and network security and educational needs of information professionals, such as archivists, librarians, museum encourage their use by all parties concerned. professionals, scientists, teachers, journalists, postal workers and other relevant h) Invite interested countries to set up focal points for real-time incident handling and professional groups. Training of information professionals should focus not only on response, and develop a cooperative network between these focal points for sharing new methods and techniques for the development and provision of information and information and technologies on incident response. communication services, but also on relevant management skills to ensure the best i) Encourage further development of secure and reliable applications to facilitate online use of technologies. Training of teachers should focus on the technical aspects of transactions. ICTs, on development of content, and on the potential possibilities and challenges of j) Encourage interested countries to contribute actively to the ongoing United Nations ICTs. activities to build confidence and security in the use of ICTs. l) Develop distance learning, training and other forms of education and training as part of capacity building programmes. Give special attention to developing countries and C6. Enabling environment especially LDCs in different levels of human resources development. m)Promote international and regional cooperation in the field of capacity building, 13. To maximize the social, economic and environmental benefits of the Information Society, including country programmes developed by the United Nations and its Specialized governments need to create a trustworthy, transparent and non-discriminatory legal, Agencies regulatory and policy environment. Actions include: n) Launch pilot projects to design new forms of ICT-based networking, linking education, training and research institutions between and among developed and a) Governments should foster a supportive, transparent, pro-competitive and developing countries and countries with economies in transition. predictable policy, legal and regulatory framework, which provides the appropriate o) Volunteering, if conducted in harmony with national policies and local cultures, can incentives to investment and community development in the Information Society. be a valuable asset for raising human capacity to make productive use of ICT tools b) We ask the Secretary General of the United Nations to set up a working group on and build a more inclusive Information Society. Activate volunteer programmes to Internet governance, in an open and inclusive process that ensures a mechanism for provide capacity building on ICT for development, particularly in developing countries. the full and active participation of governments, the private sector and civil society p) Design programmes to train users to develop self-learning and self-development from both developing and developed countries, involving relevant intergovernmental capacities. and international organizations and forums, to investigate and make proposals for action, as appropriate, on the governance of Internet by 2005. The group should, C5. Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs inter alia: i) develop a working definition of Internet governance; 12. Confidence and security are among the main pillars of the Information Society. ii) identify the public policy issues that are relevant to Internet governance; iii)develop a common understanding of the respective roles and a) Promote cooperation among the governments at the United Nations and with all responsibilities of governments, existing intergovernmental and stakeholders at other appropriate fora to enhance user confidence, build trust, and international organisations and other forums as well as the private sector protect both data and network integrity; consider existing and potential threats to and civil society from both developing and developed countries; ICTs; and address other information security and network security issues. iv)prepare a report on the results of this activity to be presented for b) Governments, in cooperation with the private sector, should prevent, detect and consideration and appropriate action for the second phase of WSIS in respond to cyber-crime and misuse of ICTs by: developing guidelines that take into Tunis in 2005. account ongoing efforts in these areas; considering legislation that allows for c) Governments are invited to: effective investigation and prosecution of misuse; promoting effective mutual i) facilitate the establishment of national and regional Internet Exchange assistance efforts; strengthening institutional support at the international level for Centres; preventing, detecting and recovering from such incidents; and encouraging education ii) manage or supervise, as appropriate, their respective country code top-level and raising awareness. domain name (ccTLD); c) Governments, and other stakeholders, should actively promote user education and iii) promote awareness of the Internet. awareness about online privacy and the means of protecting privacy. d) In cooperation with the relevant stakeholders, promote regional root servers and the d) Take appropriate action on spam at national and international levels. use of internationalized domain names in order to overcome barriers to access. e) Encourage the domestic assessment of national law with a view to overcoming any e) Governments should continue to update their domestic consumer protection laws to obstacles to the effective use of electronic documents and transactions including respond to the new requirements of the Information Society. electronic means of authentication. f) Promote effective participation by developing countries and countries with f) Further strengthen the trust and security framework with complementary and mutually economies in transition in international ICT forums and create opportunities for reinforcing initiatives in the fields of security in the use of ICTs, with initiatives or exchange of experience. guidelines with respect to rights to privacy, data and consumer protection.


g) Governments need to formulate national strategies, which include e-government 16. E-business strategies, to make public administration more transparent, efficient and democratic. h) Develop a framework for the secure storage and archival of documents and other a) Governments, international organizations and the private sector, are encouraged to electronic records of information. promote the benefits of international trade and the use of e-business, and promote i) Governments and stakeholders should actively promote user education and awareness the use of e-business models in developing countries and countries with economies about online privacy and the means of protecting privacy. in transition. j) Invite stakeholders to ensure that practices designed to facilitate electronic commerce b) Through the adoption of an enabling environment, and based on widely available also permit consumers to have a choice as to whether or not to use electronic Internet access, governments should seek to stimulate private sector investment, communication. foster new applications, content development and public/private partnerships. k) Encourage the ongoing work in the area of effective dispute settlement systems, c) Government policies should favour assistance to, and growth of SMMEs, in the ICT notably alternative dispute resolution (ADR), which can promote settlement of industry, as well as their entry into e-business, to stimulate economic growth and disputes. job creation as an element of a strategy for poverty reduction through wealth creation. l) Governments, in collaboration with stakeholders, are encouraged to formulate conducive ICT policies that foster entrepreneurship, innovation and investment, and 17. E-learning (see section C4) with particular reference to the promotion of participation by women. 18. E-health m)Recognising the economic potential of ICTs for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), they should be assisted in increasing their competitiveness by streamlining a) Promote collaborative efforts of governments, planners, health professionals, and other administrative procedures, facilitating their access to capital and enhancing their agencies along with the participation of international organizations for creating a capacity to participate in ICT-related projects. reliable, timely, high quality and affordable health care and health information systems n) Governments should act as model users and early adopters of e-commerce in and for promoting continuous medical training, education, and research through the accordance with their level of socio-economic development. use of ICTs, while respecting and protecting citizens’ right to privacy. o) Governments, in cooperation with other stakeholders, should raise awareness of the b) Facilitate access to the world’s medical knowledge and locally-relevant content importance of international interoperability standards for global e-commerce. resources for strengthening public health research and prevention programmes and p) Governments, in cooperation with other stakeholders, should promote the promoting women’s and men’s health, such as content on sexual and reproductive development and use of open, interoperable, non-discriminatory and demand-driven health and sexually transmitted infections, and for diseases that attract full attention standards. of the world including HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. q) ITU, pursuant to its treaty capacity, coordinates and allocates frequencies with the c) Alert, monitor and control the spread of communicable diseases, through the goal of facilitating ubiquitous and affordable access. improvement of common information systems. r) Additional steps should be taken in ITU and other regional organisations to ensure d) Promote the development of international standards for the exchange of health data, rational, efficient and economical use of, and equitable access to, the radio-frequency taking due account of privacy concerns. spectrum by all countries, based on relevant international agreements. e) Encourage the adoption of ICTs to improve and extend health care and health information systems to remote and underserved areas and vulnerable populations, C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life recognising women’s roles as health providers in their families and communities. f) Strengthen and expand ICT-based initiatives for providing medical and humanitarian 14. ICT applications can support sustainable development, in the fields of public administration, assistance in disasters and emergencies. business, education and training, health, employment, environment, agriculture and science within the framework of national e-strategies. This would include actions within the 19. E-employment following sectors: a) Encourage the development of best practices for e-workers and e-employers built, at 15. E-government the national level, on principles of fairness and gender equality, respecting all relevant international norms. a) Implement e-government strategies focusing on applications aimed at innovating and b) Promote new ways of organizing work and business with the aim of raising promoting transparency in public administrations and democratic processes, improving productivity, growth and well-being through investment in ICTs and human resources. efficiency and strengthening relations with citizens. c) Promote teleworking to allow citizens, particularly in the developing countries, LDCs, b) Develop national e-government initiatives and services, at all levels, adapted to the and small economies, to live in their societies and work anywhere, and to increase needs of citizens and business, to achieve a more efficient allocation of resources and employment opportunities for women, and for those with disabilities. In promoting public goods. teleworking, special attention should be given to strategies promoting job creation c) Support international cooperation initiatives in the field of e-government, in order to and the retention of the skilled working force. enhance transparency, accountability and efficiency at all levels of government. d) Promote early intervention programmes in science and technology that should target young girls to increase the number of women in ICT carriers.


20. E-environment reflected in relevant agreed United Nations documents, including UNESCO's Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity. This includes encouraging governments to design a) Governments, in cooperation with other stakeholders are encouraged to use and cultural policies to promote the production of cultural, educational and scientific promote ICTs as an instrument for environmental protection and the sustainable use content and the development of local cultural industries suited to the linguistic and of natural resources. cultural context of the users. b) Government, civil society and the private sector are encouraged to initiate actions b) Develop national policies and laws to ensure that libraries, archives, museums and other and implement projects and programmes for sustainable production and consumption cultural institutions can play their full role of content—including traditional and the environmentally safe disposal and recycling of discarded hardware and knowledge—providers in the Information Society, more particularly by providing components used in ICTs. continued access to recorded information. c) Establish monitoring systems, using ICTs, to forecast and monitor the impact of c) Support efforts to develop and use ICTs for the preservation of natural and, cultural natural and man-made disasters, particularly in developing countries, LDCs and small heritage, keeping it accessible as a living part of today’s culture. This includes developing economies. systems for ensuring continued access to archived digital information and multimedia content in digital repositories, and support archives, cultural collections and libraries as 21. E-agriculture the memory of humankind. d) Develop and implement policies that preserve, affirm, respect and promote diversity of a) Ensure the systematic dissemination of information using ICTs on agriculture, animal cultural expression and indigenous knowledge and traditions through the creation of husbandry, fisheries, forestry and food, in order to provide ready access to varied information content and the use of different methods, including the digitization of comprehensive, up-to-date and detailed knowledge and information, particularly in the educational, scientific and cultural heritage. rural areas. e) Support local content development, translation and adaptation, digital archives, and b) Public-private partnerships should seek to maximize the use of ICTs as an instrument diverse forms of digital and traditional media by local authorities. These activities can to improve production (quantity and quality). also strengthen local and indigenous communities. f) Provide content that is relevant to the cultures and languages of individuals in the 22. E-science Information Society, through access to traditional and digital media services. g) Through public/private partnerships, foster the creation of varied local and national a) Promote affordable and reliable high-speed Internet connection for all universities and content, including that available in the language of users, and give recognition and research institutions to support their critical role in information and knowledge support to ICT-based work in all artistic fields. production, education and training, and to support the establishment of partnerships, h) Strengthen programmes focused on gender-sensitive curricula in formal and non-formal cooperation and networking between these institutions. education for all and enhancing communication and media literacy for women with a b) Promote electronic publishing, differential pricing and open access initiatives to make view to building the capacity of girls and women to understand and to develop ICT scientific information affordable and accessible in all countries on an equitable basis. content. c) Promote the use of peer-to-peer technology to share scientific knowledge and pre- i) Nurture the local capacity for the creation and distribution of software in local prints and reprints written by scientific authors who have waived their right to languages, as well as content that is relevant to different segments of population, payment. including non-literate, persons with disabilities, disadvantaged and vulnerable groups d) Promote the long-term systematic and efficient collection, dissemination and especially in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. preservation of essential scientific digital data, for example, population and j) Give support to media based in local communities and support projects combining the meteorological data in all countries. use of traditional media and new technologies for their role in facilitating the use of e) Promote principles and metadata standards to facilitate cooperation and effective use local languages, for documenting and preserving local heritage, including landscape and of collected scientific information and data as appropriate to conduct scientific research. biological diversity, and as a means to reach rural and isolated and nomadic communities. C8. Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content k) Enhance the capacity of indigenous peoples to develop content in their own languages. l) Cooperate with indigenous peoples and traditional communities to enable them to more 23. Cultural and linguistic diversity, while stimulating respect for cultural identity, traditions and effectively use and benefit from the use of their traditional knowledge in the Information religions, is essential to the development of an Information Society based on the dialogue Society. among cultures and regional and international cooperation. It is an important factor for m)Exchange knowledge, experiences and best practices on policies and tools designed to sustainable development. promote cultural and linguistic diversity at regional and sub-regional levels. This can be achieved by establishing regional, and sub-regional working groups on specific issues of a) Create policies that support the respect, preservation, promotion and enhancement of this Plan of Action to foster integration efforts. cultural and linguistic diversity and cultural heritage within the Information Society, as


n) Assess at the regional level the contribution of ICT to cultural exchange and interaction, C11. International and regional cooperation and based on the outcome of this assessment, design relevant programmes. o) Governments, through public/private partnerships, should promote technologies and 26. International cooperation among all stakeholders is vital in implementation of this plan of R&D programmes in such areas as translation, iconographies, voice-assisted services and action and needs to be strengthened with a view to promoting universal access and bridging the development of necessary hardware and a variety of software models, including the digital divide, inter alia, by provision of means of implementation. proprietary, open source software and free software, such as standard character sets, language codes, electronic dictionaries, terminology and thesauri, multilingual search a) Governments of developing countries should raise the relative priority of ICT projects engines, machine translation tools, internationalized domain names, content referencing in requests for international cooperation and assistance on infrastructure development as well as general and application software. projects from developed countries and international financial organizations. b)Within the context of the UN’s Global Compact and building upon the United Nations C9. Media Millennium Declaration, build on and accelerate public-private partnerships, focusing on the use of ICT in development. 24. The media—in their various forms and with a diversity of ownership—as an actor, have an c) Invite international and regional organizations to mainstream ICTs in their work essential role in the development of the Information Society and are recognized as an programmes and to assist all levels of developing countries, to be involved in the important contributor to freedom of expression and plurality of information. preparation and implementation of national action plans to support the fulfilment of the goals indicated in the declaration of principles and in this Plan of Action, taking a) Encourage the media—print and broadcast as well as new media—to continue to into account the importance of regional initiatives. play an important role in the Information Society. b) Encourage the development of domestic legislation that guarantees the independence D. Digital Solidarity Agenda and plurality of the media. c) Take appropriate measures—consistent with freedom of expression—to combat illegal 27. The Digital Solidarity Agenda aims at putting in place the conditions for mobilizing human, and harmful content in media content. financial and technological resources for inclusion of all men and women in the emerging d) Encourage media professionals in developed countries to establish partnerships and Information Society. Close national, regional and international cooperation among all networks with the media in developing ones, especially in the field of training. stakeholders in the implementation of this Agenda is vital. To overcome the digital divide, we e) Promote balanced and diverse portrayals of women and men by the media. need to use more efficiently existing approaches and mechanisms and fully explore new f) Reduce international imbalances affecting the media, particularly as regards ones, in order to provide financing for the development of infrastructure, equipment, capacity infrastructure, technical resources and the development of human skills, taking full building and content, which are essential for participation in the Information Society. advantage of ICT tools in this regard. g) Encourage traditional media to bridge the knowledge divide and to facilitate the flow D1. Priorities and strategies of cultural content, particularly in rural areas. a) National e-strategies should be made an integral part of national development plans, C10. Ethical dimensions of the Information Society including Poverty Reduction Strategies. b)ICTs should be fully mainstreamed into strategies for Official Development Assistance 25. The Information Society should be subject to universally held values and promote the (ODA) through more effective donor information-sharing and co-ordination, and common good and to prevent abusive uses of ICTs. through analysis and sharing of best practices and lessons learned from experience with ICT-for-development programmes. a) Take steps to promote respect for peace and to uphold the fundamental values of freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, shared responsibility, and respect for nature. D2. Mobilizing resources b)All stakeholders should increase their awareness of the ethical dimension of their use of ICTs. a) All countries and international organizations should act to create conditions conducive c) All actors in the Information Society should promote the common good, protect to increasing the availability and effective mobilization of resources for financing privacy and personal data and take appropriate actions and preventive measures, as development as elaborated in the Monterrey Consensus. determined by law, against abusive uses of ICTs such as illegal and other acts b)Developed countries should make concrete efforts to fulfil their international motivated by racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance, commitments to financing development including the Monterrey Consensus, in which hatred, violence, all forms of child abuse, including paedophilia and child developed countries that have not done so are urged to make concrete efforts pornography, and trafficking in, and exploitation of, human beings. towards the target of 0.7 per cent of gross national product (GNP) as ODA to d)Invite relevant stakeholders, especially the academia, to continue research on ethical developing countries and 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of GNP of developed countries to dimensions of ICTs. least developed countries.


c) For those developing countries facing unsustainable debt burdens, we welcome b)Appropriate indicators and benchmarking, including community connectivity indicators, initiatives that have been undertaken to reduce outstanding indebtedness and invite should clarify the magnitude of the digital divide, in both its domestic and further national and international measures in that regard, including, as appropriate, international dimensions, and keep it under regular assessment, and tracking global debt cancellation and other arrangements. Particular attention should be given to progress in the use of ICTs to achieve internationally agreed development goals, enhancing the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries initiative. These initiatives would release including those of the Millennium Declaration. more resources that may be used for financing ICT for development projects. c) International and regional organizations should assess and report regularly on universal d) Recognizing the potential of ICT for development we furthermore advocate: accessibility of nations to ICTs, with the aim of creating equitable opportunities for i) developing countries to increase their efforts to attract major private national the growth of ICT sectors of developing countries. and foreign investments for ICTs through the creation of a transparent, stable d)Gender-specific indicators on ICT use and needs should be developed, and measurable and predictable enabling investment environment; performance indicators should be identified to assess the impact of funded ICT ii) developed countries and international financial organisations to be responsive to projects on the lives of women and girls. the strategies and priorities of ICTs for development, mainstream ICTs in their e) Develop and launch a website on best practices and success stories, based on a work programmes, and assist developing countries and countries with compilation of contributions from all stakeholders, in a concise, accessible and economies in transition to prepare and implement their national e-strategies. compelling format, following the internationally-recognized web accessibility standards. Based on the priorities of national development plans and implementation of The website could be periodically updated and turned into a permanent experience- the above commitments, developed countries should increase their efforts to sharing exercise. provide more financial resources to developing countries in harnessing ICTs for f) All countries and regions should develop tools so as to provide statistical information development; on the Information Society, with basic indicators and analysis of its key dimensions. iii)the private sector to contribute to the implementation of this Digital Solidarity Priority should be given to setting up coherent and internationally comparable Agenda. indicator systems, taking into account different levels of development. e) In our efforts to bridge the digital divide, we should promote, within our development cooperation, technical and financial assistance directed towards national and regional F. Towards WSIS phase 2 (Tunis) capacity building, technology transfer on mutually agreed terms, cooperation in R&D programmes and exchange of know-how. 29. Recalling General Assembly Resolution 56/183 and taking into account the outcome of the f) While all existing financial mechanisms should be fully exploited, a thorough review of Geneva phase of the WSIS, a preparatory meeting will be held in the first half of 2004 to their adequacy in meeting the challenges of ICT for development should be completed review those issues of the Information Society which should form the focus of the Tunis by the end of December 2004. This review shall be conducted by a Task Force under phase of the WSIS and to agree on the structure of the preparatory process for the second the auspices of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and submitted for phase. In line with the decision of this Summit concerning its Tunis phase, the second phase consideration to the second phase of this summit. Based on the conclusion of the of the WSIS should consider, inter alia: review, improvements and innovations of financing mechanisms will be considered including the effectiveness, the feasibility and the creation of a voluntary Digital a) Elaboration of final appropriate documents based on the outcome of the Geneva Solidarity Fund, as mentioned in the Declaration of Principles. phase of the WSIS with a view to consolidating the process of building a global g) Countries should consider establishing national mechanisms to achieve universal access Information Society, and reducing the Digital Divide and transforming it into digital in both underserved rural and urban areas, in order to bridge the digital divide. opportunities. b)Follow-up and implementation of the Geneva Plan of Action at national, regional and E. Follow-up and evaluation international levels, including the United Nations system, as part of an integrated and coordinated approach, calling upon the participation of all relevant stakeholders. This 28. A realistic international performance evaluation and benchmarking (both qualitative and should take place, inter alia, through partnerships among stakeholders. quantitative), through comparable statistical indicators and research results, should be developed to follow up the implementation of the objectives, goals and targets in the Plan of Action, taking into account different national circumstances.

a) In cooperation with each country concerned, develop and launch a composite ICT Development (Digital Opportunity) Index. It could be published annually, or every two years, in an ICT Development Report. The index could show the statistics while the report would present analytical work on policies and their implementation, depending on national circumstances, including gender analysis.

28 29 wsis smsi LIST OF SPEAKERS cmsi

15. Botswana 26. Saudi Arabia Annex: List of Speakers His Excellency Mr. Festus Gontebanye His Royal Highness Prince Saud Al-Faisal Mogae Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom President of the Republic of Botswana of Saudi Arabia World Summit on the Information Society, Geneva 2003 16. Zimbabwe 27. Slovakia 4. Pakistan His Excellency Dr. Robert Gabriel Mugabe His Excellency Mr. Pavol Prokopovic Wednesday, 10 December 2003 His Excellency Mr. Zafarullah Khan Jamali President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Minister of Transport, Posts and Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Telecommunications of the Slovak Republic • Opening Ceremony Pakistan 17. Liechtenstein His Excellency Mr. Otmar Hasler 28. China 1. Switzerland 5. France Head of Government of the Principality of His Excellency Mr. Xudong Wang His Excellency Mr. Pascal Couchepin His Excellency Mr. Jean-Pierre Raffarin Liechtenstein Minister of Information Industry of President of the Swiss Confederation Prime Minister of the French Republic the People’s Republic of China 18. Lebanon 2. United Nations 6. Egypt His Excellency Mr. Emile Lahoud 29. Italy His Excellency Mr. Kofi Annan His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Hosny Mubarak President of the Lebanese Republic His Excellency Dr. Lucio Stanca Secretary-General President of the Arab Republic of Egypt Minister of Innovation and Technology of 19. Nigeria the Italian Republic 3. Tunisia 7. Cape Verde His Excellency Chief Olusegun Obasanjo His Excellency Mr. Zine El Abidine Ben Ali His Excellency Mr. Pedro Verona Rodrigues GCFR 30. European Community President of the Republic of Tunisia Pires President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria His Excellency Mr. Erkki Liikanen President of the Republic of Cape Verde Commissioner of the European Community 4. International Telecommunication Union 20. Croatia (ITU) 8. Rwanda His Excellency Mr. Stjepan Mesic 31. Norway His Excellency Mr. Yoshio Utsumi His Excellency Mr. Paul Kagame President of the Republic of Croatia Her Excellency Ms. Torild Skogsholm Secretary-General President of the Republic of Rwanda Minister of Transport and Communications 21. Kenya of the Kingdom of Norway 5. World Blind Union 9. Iran (Islamic Republic of) His Excellency The Honourable Moody Awori Ms. Kicki Nordström His Excellency Mr. Mohammad Khatami Vice-President and Minister for Home Affairs 32. Iceland President President of the Islamic Republic of Iran of the Republic of Kenya His Excellency Mr. Tómas Ingi Olrich Minister of Education, Science and Culture 6. Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications 10. Mali 22. Czech Republic of the Republic of Iceland Company His Excellency Mr. Amadou Toumani Toure His Excellency Mr. Petr Mares Mr. Mohammad Omran President of the Republic of Mali Deputy Prime Minister of Office of 33. Greece Chairman of the Board the Government of the Czech Republic His Excellency Mr. George Papandreou 11. Lesotho Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece 7. WSIS Preparatory Committee His Majesty King Letsie III 23. Kuwait His Excellency Mr. Adama Samassekou King of the Kingdom of Lesotho His Excellency Sheikh Ahmed Abdullah 34. Dominican Republic President Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah His Excellency Mr. Orlando Jorge Mera 12. Latvia Minister of Communications, Minister Minister, President of the Dominican • General Debate: Plenary Session 1 Her Excellency Ms. Vaira Vike-Freiberga of Planning and State Minister Institute of Telecommunications of President of the Republic of Latvia of Administrative Development Affairs the Dominican Republic 1. Finland of the State of Kuwait Her Excellency Ms. Tarja Halonen 13. Gabon 35. Syrian Arab Republic President of the Republic of Finland His Excellency Mr. El Hadj Omar Bongo 24. Russian Federation His Excellency Mr. Bachir Al-Mounajed Ondimba His Excellency Mr. Leonid Reiman Minister of Communications and Technology 2. Azerbaijan President of the Gabonese Republic Minister for Communications and of the Syrian Arab Republic His Excellency Mr. Ilham Aliyev Informatization of the Russian Federation President of the Republic of Azerbaijan 14. Kyrgyzstan 36. Ukraine His Excellency Mr. Askar Akaev 25. Mauritius His Excellency Mr. Oleh Yatsenko 3. Mozambique President of Kyrgyz Republic His Excellency The Honourable Minister for Communications and His Excellency Mr. Joaquim Alberto Chissano Deechand Jeeha Informatisation of Ukraine President of the Republic of Mozambique Minister of Information Technology and Telecommunications of the Republic of Mauritius


37. Viet Nam 48. Vodafone 6. Belarus 17. Ireland His Excellency Dr. Do Trung Ta Mr. Vittorio Colao His Excellency Mr. Alyaksandr Lukashenka His Excellency Mr. Bertie Ahern, T. D. Minister of Post and Telematics of CEO SEMEA Region, member of the Board President of the Republic of Belarus Prime Minister of Ireland the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam of Directors 7. Andorra 18. Germany 38. Qatar 49. United Nations Economic Commission His Excellency Mr. Marc Forné His Excellency Mr. Rezzo Schlauch His Excellency Sheikh Abdulla Bin for Africa (UNECA) Head of Government of the Principality of Secretary of State, Federal Ministry for Mohammed Bin Saoud Al-Thani Mr. K.Y. Amoako Andorra Economics and Labour of the Federal Minister, Chief of the Diwan Amiri and Executive Secretary Republic of Germany Chairman of Qatar Telecommunication 8. Estonia Company of the State of Qatar 50. Paradigm Initiative Nigeria His Excellency Mr. Arnold Rüütel 19. Oman Ms. Titilayo Akinsanmi President of the Republic of Estonia His Excellency Mr. Maqbool Ali Sultan 39. Bosnia and Herzegovina Co-founder Minister of Commerce and Industry of His Excellency Mr. Branko Dokic 9. Bangladesh the Sultanate of Oman Minister of Communications and Transport 51. Microsoft Corporation Her Excellency Begum Khaleda Zia of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Jean-Philippe Courtois Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of 20. Malawi CEO EMEA - Senior Vice President Bangladesh His Excellency The Honourable Bernard 40. Spain Chisale, M. P. His Excellency Mr. Juan Costa Climent 52. World Bank 10. Democratic People's Republic of Korea Minister of Information of the Republic of Minister of Science and Technology of Mr. Eduardo Doryan His Excellency Mr. Kim Yong Dae Malawi the Kingdom of Spain Special Representative Vice President of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly of 21. Sweden 41. Morocco 53. Africa Online the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Her Excellency Ms. Carin Jämtin His Excellency Mr. Nabil Ben Abdallah Mr. Ayisi Makatiani Minister for Development Cooperation of Minister of Communications, Spokesman of Founder 11. Cuba the Kingdom of Sweden Government of the Kingdom of Morocco His Excellency Mr. Ricardo Alarcón de 54. United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Quesada 22. El Salvador 42. Brazil Mr. Ad de Raad President of the National Assembly of His Excellency Mr. Eduardo Cálix His Excellency Ambassador Samuel Pinheiro Executive Coordinator a.i. People’s Power of the Republic of Cuba Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guimarães Neto the Republic of El Salvador Acting Minister of External Relations of 12. Gambia the Federative Republic of Brazil Thursday, 11 December 2003 Her Excellency Mrs. Isatou Njie-Saidy 23. Bahrain Vice-President of the Republic of His Excellency Mr. Saeed Mohamed 43. Ecuador • General Debate: Plenary Session 2 the Gambia Al-Faihani His Excellency Ambassador Hernán Escudero Head of the Delegation of the Kingdom Head of the Delegation of the Republic of 1. Romania 13. Netherlands of Bahrain Ecuador His Excellency Mr. Ion Iliescu His Excellency Mr. Laurens Jan Brinkhorst President of Romania Minister of Economic Affairs of 24. Australia 44. United Nations ICT Task Force the Kingdom of the Netherlands His Excellency Mr. John Rimmer Mr. José Maria Figueres-Olsen 2. Senegal Head of the Delegation of Australia Chairman His Excellency Mr. Abdoulaye Wade 14. Ethiopia President of the Republic of Senegal His Excellency Mr. Philippos W. Mariam 25. Myanmar 45. African Women's Development and Minister of Infrastructure of the Federal His Excellency U Mya Than Communication Network (FEMNET) 3. Ghana Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Head of the Delegation of the Union of Ms. Lynne Muthoni Wanyeki His Excellency Mr. John A. Kufuor Myanmar Executive Director President of the Republic of Ghana 15. Denmark Her Excellency Ms. Ulla Tørnæs 26. United Nations Educational, Scientific 46. United Nations Economic Commission 4. Comoros Minister of Education of the Kingdom of and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for Europe (UNECE) His Excellency Colonel Azali Assoumani Denmark Mr. Koïchiro Matsuura Mrs. Ms Brigita Schmögnerová President of the Union of Comoros Director-General Executive Secretary 16. Hungary 5. Armenia His Excellency Mr. Kálmán Kovács 27. Union Network International 47. Molecular Diversity Preservation His Excellency Mr. Robert Kocharyan Minister of Informatics and Communications Mr. Philip Jennings International President of the Republic of Armenia of the Republic of Hungary General Secretary Mr. Shu-Khun Lin Founder


28. United Nations Development Programme 5. Panama 15. Slovenia 25. Lao People's Democratic Republic (UNDP) His Excellency Mr. Kayser Bazán His Excellency Dr. Pavel Gantar His Excellency Dr. Bountiem Phissamay Mr. Mark Malloch Brown Vice-President of the Republic of Panama Minister of Information Society of Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office and Administrator the Republic of Slovenia President of Science, Technology and the 6. Serbia and Montenegro Environment of the Lao People’s Democratic 29. Fransabank Group His Excellency Dr. Dragoljub Micunovic 16. Belgium Republic Mr. Adnan Kassar President of the Assembly of Serbia and Her Excellency Mrs. Joséphine Rebecca Chairman and CEO Montenegro Moerman 26. United Arab Emirates Minister for Economy, Energy, Foreign Trade His Excellency Mr. Ahmed Humaid Al Tayer 30. World Federation of United Cities 7. Uzbekistan and Science policy of the Kingdom of Minister of Communications of the United (FMCU) His Excellency Mr. Aripov Abdulla Belgium Arab Emirates Ms. Mercedes Bresso Deputy Prime Minister, General Director of President Communication and Information Agency of 17. Guatemala 27. Austria the Republic of Uzbekistan Her Excellency Mrs. Flora de Ramos His Excellency Mr. Franz Morak 31. Siemens Information and Minister of Communications, Infrastructure Secretary of State of the Republic of Austria Communication Networks 8. Mauritania and Housing of the Republic of Guatemala Mr. Thomas Ganswindt Her Excellency Ms. Fatimetou Mint M. Saleck 28. Switzerland Group President Secretary of New Technology of the Islamic 18. Chile His Excellency Mr. Moritz Leuenberger Republic of Mauritania His Excellency Mr. Alvaro Díaz Federal Councillor and Head of the Federal 32. International Telecommunication Union Minister of Economy of the Republic of Department of Environment, Transport, (ITU) 9. Japan Chile Energy and Communications of the Swiss Mr. Roberto Blois His Excellency Mr. Taro Aso Confederation Deputy Secretary-General Minister of Public Management, Home 19. Luxembourg Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications of His Excellency Mr. François Biltgen 29. Swaziland 33. Internet Corporation For Assigned Japan Minister of Labor and Employment of the His Royal Highness The Honourable Prince Names and Numbers (ICANN) Grand Duchy of Luxembourg David Dlamini Mr. Paul Twomey 10. Poland Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade CEO His Excellency Professor Michal Kleiber 20. Nepal of the Kingdom of Swaziland Minister of Scientific Research and His Excellency The Honourable Kamal Thapa 34. United Nations Institute for Training Information of the Republic of Poland Minister for Information and 30. India and Research (UNITAR) Communication, Local Development and His Excellency Mr. Arun Shourie Mr. Marcel A. Boisard 11. United States of America Health of the Kingdom of Nepal Minister for Communications and Executive Director His Excellency Dr. John Marburger Information Technology of the Republic of Science Advisor to the President of 21. Holy See India • General Debate: Plenary Session 3 the United States of America His Excellency Archbishop John Foley President of the Pontifical Council for Social 31. Algeria 1. Uganda 12. Turkey Communications of the Holy See His Excellency Mr. Amar Tou His Excellency The Honourable Prof. Apollo His Excellency Mr. Binali Yildirim Minister of Posts and Information and Nsibambi Minister of Transport and Communications 22. Argentina Communication Technologies of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uganda of Turkey His Excellency Mr. Daniel Filmus People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Minister of Education, Science and 2. Tonga 13. Honduras Technology of the Argentine Republic 32. Portugal His Royal Highness Prince Ulukalala His Excellency Dr. Roberto Emilio Argueta His Excellency Mr. José Luís Arnault Lavaka Ata Reina 23. Jordan Minister to the Prime Minister of the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Tonga Telecommunication Commissioner of the His Excellency Dr. Fawaz Zu’bi Portuguese Republic Republic of Honduras Minister of Communication and Information 3. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Technology, and Administrative Development 33. Afghanistan Macedonia 14. South Africa of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan His Excellency Mr. Mohammad Masoom His Excellency Mr. Boris Trajkovski Her Excellency Mrs. Ivy Matsepe-Casaburri Stanekzai President of the Republic of the former Minister for Communications of 24. Zambia Minister of Communications of Afghanistan Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia the Republic of South Africa His Excellency The Honourable Bates Namuyamba, MP 4. Nicaragua Minister of Communication and Transport of His Excellency Dr. José Rizo Castellón the Republic of Zambia Vice-President of the Republic of Nicaragua


34. Sierra Leone 44. Sri Lanka 56. United Nations Economic Commission 6. Malaysia His Excellency Mr. Septimus Kaikai His Excellency Mr. Tilak Ranaviraja for Western Asia (UNESCWA) His Excellency The Honourable Datuk Amar Minister of Information and Broadcasting of Head of the Delegation of the Democratic Ms. Mervat Tallawy Leo Moggie the Republic of Sierra Leone Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Executive Secretary Minister of Energy, Communications and Multimedia of Malaysia 35. Samoa 45. Cyprus 57. Agencia Latinoamericana de Información His Excellency Mr. Palusalue Faapo II His Excellency Mr. Panicos Pouros (ALAI) 7. Singapore Minister of Communications and Information Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Ms. Sally Burch His Excellency Dr. Lee Boon Yang Technology of the Independent State of Cyprus President Minister for Information, Communications Samoa and the Arts of the Republic of Singapore 46. Palestine 58. Sols Technologies 36. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya His Excellency Mr. Azzam Alahmad Mr. Jorge Cassino 8. Madagascar His Excellency Mr. Ben Lashhar Ali Observer of Palestine CEO, Director General His Excellency Mr. Haja Nirina Razafinjatovo Minister of Information and Communication Minister of Telecommunications, Posts and of the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab 47. International Labour Organizations (ILO) 59. Inter-American Development Bank Communication of the Republic of Jamahiriya Mr. Juan Somavía Mr. Paulo Paiva Madagascar Director-General Vice-President 37. Lithuania 9. Angola His Excellency Mr. Virgilijus Vladislovas 48. World Association of Newspapers 60. United Nations High Commissioner for His Excellency Mr. Licínio Tavares Tibeiro Bulovas Mr. Timothy Balding Human Rights Minister of Posts and Telecommunications of Minister of Interior of the Republic of Director General Mr. Bertrand Ramcharan the Republic of Angola Lithuania Acting High Commissioner for Human 49. STMicroelectronics Rights 10. Colombia 38. Democratic Republic of the Congo Mr. Pasquale Pistrio Her Excellency Dr. Martha Pinto de Hart His Excellency Mr. Vital Kamerhe President and CEO 61. Organization of the Islamic Conference Minister of Communications of the Republic Minister of Press and Information of the Dr. Abdelouahed Belkeziz of Colombia Democratic Republic of the Congo 50. Universal Postal Union (UPU) Secretary-General Mr. Thomas Leavey 11. Indonesia 39. Philippines Director-General Friday, 12 December 2003 His Excellency Mr. Syamsul Mu’arif His Excellency Mr. Virgilio L. Peña Minister for Communication and Information Undersecretary for Information and 51. International Council for Science (ICSU) • General Debate: Plenary Session 4 of the Republic of Indonesia Communications Technology of the Republic Ms. Jane Lubichenco of the Philippines President 1. Mongolia 12. Barbados His Excellency Mr. Sanjbegz Tumur-Ochir Her Excellency The Honourable Lynette 40. Uruguay 52. NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) Speaker of the Parliament of Mongolia Eastmond His Excellency Dr. Daniel Bervejillo Mr. Katsuji Ebisawa Minister of Commerce, Consumer Affairs Vice-Minister of Education and Culture of President 2. Brunei Darussalam and Business Development of Barbados the Eastern Republic of Uruguay His Excellency The Honourable Pehin Dato 53. United Nations Economic Commission Haji Zakaria Haji Sulaiman 13. Iraq 41. Kazakhstan for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) Minister of Communication of Brunei His Excellency Mr. Haider Al Abadi His Excellency Mr. Alexei Volkov Mr. Kim Hak-Su Darussalam Minister of Communication of the Republic Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Executive Secretary of Iraq Republic of Kazakhstan 3. Thailand 54. International Association for Volunteer His Excellency Mr. Surapong Suebwonglee 14. Republic of Korea 42. Niue Effort (IAVE) Minister of Information and Communications His Excellency Dr. Chin Daeje His Excellency Mr. John Tiakia Ms. Liz Burns Technology of the Kingdom of Thailand Minister of Information and Communication Associate Minister for Post and President of the Republic of Korea Telecommunications of Niue 4. Jamaica 55. Cognitive Technologies Companies His Excellency Mr. Phillip Paulwell 15. Burkina Faso 43. Bhutan Ms. Olga Uskova Minister of Science, Commerce and His Excellency Mr. Seydou Bouda His Excellency Mr. Tashi Phuntsog President Technology of Jamaica Minister of Economy and Development of Head of the Delegation of the Kingdom of Burkina Faso Bhutan 5. Mexico His Excellency Mr. Pedro Cerisola y Weber Minister of Communications and Transportation of the United Mexican States


16. Monaco 26. Venezuela • General Debate: Plenary Session 5 11. Costa Rica His Excellency Mr. Jean Pastorelli Her Excellency Ms. Blancanieve Portocarrero His Excellency Mr. Manuel A. Gonzalez Sanz Plenipotentiary Minister, Permanent Head of the Delegation of the Bolivarian 1. Congo Head of the Delegation of the Repbulic of Representative of the Principality of Monaco Republic of Venezuela His Excellency Mr. Jean Dello Costa Rica Minister of Posts and Telecommunications of 17. Peru 27. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) the Republic of Congo 12. Community of Portuguese Speaking His Excellency Mr. Eduardo Iriarte Jimenez Ms. Imelda Henkin Countries Minister of Transport and Communication of Deputy Executive Director 2. United Republic of Tanzania Mr. João Augusto de Médicis the Republic of Peru His Excellency The Honourable Mark J. Executive Secretary 28. World Federation of Engineering Mwandosya 18. Bulgaria Organizations Minister for Communications and Transport 13. Sovereign Military Order of Malta His Excellency Mr. Igor Damianov Mr. Kamel Ayadi of the United Republic of Tanzania His Excellency Mr. Jean-Pierre Mazery Minister of Education and Science of the President President of Council for Communication Republic of Bulgaria 3. Sudan 29. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. International His Excellency Professor El Zibeir Bashir Taha 14. The United States Virgin Islands 19. New Zealand Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Minister of Sciences and Technology of His Excellency Mr. Carlyle Corbin His Excellency Mr. David Cunliffe Chairman and CEO the Republic of the Sudan Observer of the United States Virgin Islands Associate Minister of Communications and Information Technology of New Zealand 30. United Nations Economic Commission 4. Burundi 15. United Nations Fund for International for Latin America and the Caribbean His Excellency Mr. Séverin Ndikumugongo Partnerships 20. Cambodia (UNECLAC) Minister of Transport of the Republic of Mr. Amir A. Dossal His Excellency Mr. Lar Narath Ms. Alicia Bárcena Burundi Executive Director Under-Secretary of Posts and Deputy Executive Secretary Telecommunications of the Kingdom of 5. Yemen • Report from Multi-stakeholder Events Cambodia 31. United Nations Permanent Forum on His Excellency Mr. Abdulmalek Al-Moalemi (Plenary Session 5) Indigenous Issues Minister of Telecommunications and 21. Trinidad and Tobago Ms. Mililani Trask Information Technology of the Republic of 1. Switzerland His Excellency Mr. Bernard Weston Pacific representative Yemen Ambassador Daniel Stauffacher Head of the Delegation of the Republic Delegate of the Swiss Federal Council for of Trinidad and Tobago 32. CrimsonLogic 6. Timor-Leste the World Summit on the Information Society Mr. Velusamy Mathivanan His Excellency Mr. Ovidio de Jesus Amaral 22. Malta Chairman and CEO Minister of Transport, Minster of Transport, 2. ICT4D Platform His Excellency The Honourable Michael Communication and Public Work of the Mr. Walter Fust Frendo, M. P. 33. Rede de Informações para o Terceiro Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Director-General, Swiss Agency for Head of the Delegation of the Republic Setor Development and Cooperation of Malta Mr. Carlos Afonso 7. Georgia President His Excellency Mr. Alexander Chikvaidze 3. ICT4D Forum 23. Canada Head of the Delegation of Georgia Ms. Rinalia Abdul Rahim His Excellency Mr. Sergio Marchi 34. Axalto Executive Director, Global Knowledge Head of the Delegation of Canada Mr. Olivier Piou 8. Bolivia Partnership (GKP) CEO His Excellency Mr. Alvaro Moscoso Blanco 24. Fiji Head of the Delegation of the Republic of 4. Cities and Local Authorities in the IS Mr. Abel Caine 35. CRIS Campaign Bolivia Mr. Gérald Collomb, Mayor of Lyon and Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Mr. Sean O’Siochru Mr. Christian Ferrazino, Mayor of Geneva the Fiji Islands Spokesperson of CRIS Campaign 9. Belize His Excellency Mr. Nunzio Alfredo D'Angieri 5. World Electronic Media Forum (WEMF) 25. United Kingdom 36. World Intellectual Property Organization Head of the Delegation of Belize Mr. Jean Stock His Excellency Mr. Nicholas Thorne (WIPO) President, WEMF Association Head of the Delegation of the United Mr. Philippe Petit 10. Israel Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Deputy Director General His Excellency Mr. Yaakov Levy 6. ITU High Level Dialogue and related Ireland Head of the Delegation of the State of events 37. World Meteorological Organization Israel Mr. Roberto Blois (WMO) Deputy Secretary-General, International Mr. Michel Jarraud Telecommunication Union Deputy Secretary-General


7. CCBI Events 18. Scientific Information and PCT Working Mr. Richard McCormick Groups - Roundtables and Panels Past Chairman, International Chamber of Dr. Francis Muguet Commerce Chairman of the Civil Society Scientific Information Working Group 8. UNESCO High Level Symposium and Roundtables 19. Executive Roundtables: Taking Mr. Abdul Waheed Khan Responsibility in the Information Age Assistant Director-General for Communication Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazale and Information, UNESCO Chairman and CEO, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. International 9. WSIS Gender Caucus Events Programme Dr. Gillian Marcelle 20. WSIS-ONLINE.NET Workshop Coordinator, WSIS Gender Caucus Mr. Bertrand Lachapelle Co-convenor, Open WSIS Initiatives 10. The Role of Science in the Information Society • Final Session (Plenary Session 5) Professor Luciano Maiani Director-General, European Organization for 1. International Telecommunication Union Nuclear Research (CERN) (ITU) His Excellency Mr. Yoshio Utsumi 11. Global Forum on Disability in the IS Secretary of the Summit Dr. Bernhard Heinser Managing Director, Swiss Library for 2. Tunisia the Visually Impaired His Excellency Mr. Habib Ben Yahia Minister of Foreign Affairs 12. Global School Networks Alliance Mr. Ulf Lundin 3. Switzerland Director, European Schoolnet His Excellency Mr. Pascal Couchepin President of the Swiss Confederation 13. Conference on Volunteering and Capacity Building in the IS Ms. Viola Krebs Director, International Conference Volunteers

14. Youth Declaration from Telecom Mr. Sjoerd Nikkelen and Ms. Paula Musuva Representatives of ITU TELECOM WORLD 2003 Youth Forum

15. Global Forum of Indigenous People in the Information Society Mr. Henrick Ole Magga Chair, Global Forum of Indigenous People in the Information Society

16. Youth Day Mr. Alex Fielding WSIS Youth Liaison, TakingITGlobal

17. International Trade Centre Workshops - The Changing Marketplace: Putting "e" to work His Excellency Mr. Denis Belisle Executive Director, International Trade Centre