SA Climate Ready

A sustainable San Antonio has a thriving economy, a healthy environment, and an inclusive and fair community.

The SA Climate Ready Plan, or CAAP plan was adopted on October 17, 2019, is a roadmap for enhancing our community’s quality of life and overall resilience while balancing the impact of our expected growth of 1.1 million people by 2040 against the protection of our economic, environmental, and social resources.

The Office of Sustainability is researching new and innovative solutions to add to our updated plan scheduled to be released in late 2025. The department has partnered with the Alamo Area Council of Governments to develop a plan that will incorporate strategies that will positively affect our region. Look for our teams out this fall to find out more about these efforts.

Visit the SA Climate Ready Library to view the adopted Plan and other documents.

Check out our NEW publication, Eco Trends for updates on our latest programs.

Our 2023 Annual Report is available and ready to read!

For more information on all of San Antonio's sustainability efforts, please visit

Climate Adaptation

San Antonio could see over 100 days of +100F temperatures per year by the end of the century.

Federal Tax Incentives

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) lowers energy costs for consumers and small businesses while creating good-paying jobs as America’s clean energy economy and manufacturing sectors grow.

SA Climate Ready

Learn how you can make an impact here at home to make San Antonio more resilient and to improve our collective quality of life.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

San Antonio has reduced community-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 7% since 2013.

Climate Equity

In San Antonio, communities of color make up 75% of the population, but experience worse outcomes in health, education, employment, and housing.

Energy and Buildings San Antonio is #1 in Texas and #5 in the US for Installed Solar Capacity! Transportation

Did you know San Antonio's public transportation system, VIA, has 95 routes and 6,621 stops?

San Antonio is the 37th most walkable city in the United States!

Food Systems

Serving 58,000 people a week, the San Antonio Food Bank plays a key role in addressing hunger in our city.

Solid Waste Resources

Together we can reach our goal of a 60% recycling rate by 2025, part of SA’s efforts to reduce waste.

Natural Resources

While there is still work to do, San Antonio has seen a 1% decrease in our ozone level, while population has increased 14%.

Grant Opportunities

For projects that enhance sustainability and resiliency while fostering community partnerships in San Antonio.

Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are foundational for the SA Climate Ready sustainable development-focused goals and strategies.

SA Climate Ready

A sustainable San Antonio has a thriving economy, a healthy environment, and an inclusive and fair community.

Office of Sustainability
100 W. Houston
San Antonio, TX 78205