The retest waiting period for this exam has now been reduced to 30 days. Don't wait to apply your recently acquired knowledge and expedite your path to certification. Learn more about the exam re-take policy by clicking here.
Coding professionals who hold the CCA credential have demonstrated coding competency across all settings, including hospitals and physician practices. Since 2002, the CCA designation has been a nationally recognized standard of achievement in the health information management (HIM) field.
Candidates must have a high school diploma or equivalent to sit for the CCA examination.
While not required, at least one of the following is recommended:
As of 12/31/2023, there were 7,972 certified CCA professionals.
*U.S. and Canada results only
The CCA is a timed exam. Candidates have two hours to complete the exam. The total number of questions on the exam is 105. There are 90 scored items and 15 pretest items. The exam is given in a computer-based format.
AHIMA exams contain a variety of questions or item types that require you to use your knowledge, skills, and/or experience to select the best answer. Each exam includes scored questions and pretest questions randomly distributed throughout the exam. Each exam includes scored questions and pretest questions randomly distributed throughout the exam. Pretest questions are for data collection purpose and they do not count towards candidate's score.
The passing score for the C CA is 300.
Competencies for C CA s fall into six domains. Each domain accounts for a specific percentage of the total questions on the certification exam . See the Exam Content Outline for greater detail.
2024 Code Books will go into effect on 05/01/2024
All exams delivered on or AFTER 05/01/2024 will be required to have the 2024 code books from the 2024 code book list.
On test day, all candidates must bring the correct codebooks to the test center. Candidates who do not have the correct codebooks will not be allowed to test and will forfeit their exam fees.