Oracle Application Framework(OAF) Tutorial

This tutorial gives you an overview and talks about the fundamentals of the Oracle Applications Framework. Oracle Application Framework (OA Framework) is the Oracle Applications development and deployment platform for HTML-based business applications.

If you would like to Enrich your career with an Oracle Application Framework certified professional, Visit here Oracle Application Framework(OAF) Training

Simple Web Application Architecture (Servlet/JSP):

Initially, Web Applications was very simple ( developed in the 1990s )
Application Tier Contains a Web Server, which maintains the components such as Servlet, JSP


The component is a piece of code, which implements the well-defined interface.
A Single Component is not an Application.
An Application consists of many no. of components working together.
The component handles the complete task, such as Business Logic, Database Transactions Logic, and Presentation Logic.

Disadvantages :

1. Only One Application developer has to develop the complete component
2. Application developer has to concentrate on Business Logic, Database Transactions Logic as well as Presentation Logic.
3. Application Developer Must have the Multiple Skills
4. Development Time is more
5. Lot of confusion with Business Logic, Database Transactions Logic, and Presentation Logic since they are being developed as single components.
To overcome the above disadvantages MVC1 Architecture was introduced

MVC1 Architecture:

M ⇒ Model V ⇒ View C ⇒ Controller

Model: Model Represents data object. Model is what is being manipulated and presented to the user

View: Serves as Screen representation of Model. It is the object that presents the current state of the data objects.

Controller: Defines the way the user interface reacts to the user’s input. The Controller component is the object that manipulates the model or data object.

In MVC1 Architecture

→ Servlet / JSP acts as View as well as Controller.

→ Java Bean acts as a Model Component.

Disadvantages :

To overcome the above disadvantages MVC2 Architecture has been introduced

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MVC2 Architecture :

Struts Framework follows the MVC2 Architecture

→ Servlet acts as Controller
→ JSP acts as View
→ Java Bean acts as Model


It is a java Servlet called Action Servlet. It receives a request from the web client and stores data into the Java Bean called as Form Bean (Model) and receives a response (success/fail) from the Form Bean. Based on the response from Form Bean, Action Servlet decides, which page (view) to be presented to the client.


It is Java Bean called Form Bean. It will receive the client data through the Controller and performs the data validations or database transactions such as DML and DQL operations. After performing database transactions it provides the data for the view.


It is a JSP. It populates the data from the Form Bean ( Model ) and Present to the user.

Oracle Application Frame Work Architecture:

The architecture of Oracle Application FrameWork is similar to the Struts FrameWork but some difference is there.

AM ⇒ Application Module VO ⇒ View Object EO ⇒ Entity Object


→ It is a Java Class.
→ OAControllerImpl is a parent of all Controller Classes.
→ The controller performs database transactions through the Application Module interface.
→ It will get the data through the Application Module and Push into the View.


→ It is JSP with GUI Components.
→ It populates data into its GUI components from VO.

→ It is to interact with the Database through the BC4J Components.
→ It is a combination of Application Module, View Object, and Entity Object.

Application Module:

View Object:

Entity Object:

Onion Architecture of OA Framework

Key Features of MVC Architecture:

Comparison of D2k, OAF, and ADF

Desk Top Application It is Frame with MVC Architecture It is a Framework with MVC Architecture
It is a Client and Server Architecture It is a 3-Tier Architecture It is an N-Tier Architecture
From Builder used to develop the applications JDeveloper is used to develop the applications JDeveloper is used to develop the applications
Drag and Drop features No Drag and Drop features Drag and Drop features
Client and Server Application Web Application Enterprise Application

JDeveloper Installation and Setting Environment

1. Get the JDeveloper software ( ZIP File: )

2. Copy into required drive ( folder ) / ( C:)

Eg: C: JDEV ( create JDEV ( name can be anyone ) folder in C-drive

3. Extract the ZIP file name )

Right-click ⇒ WinZip ⇒ ExtractToHere

After extracting it generates the following

4. Take the shortcut of C:JDEVjdevbinjdevbin jdevW.exe to desktop

5. Copy the dbc file form Oracle Apps Server to JDeveloper

Source Oracle Apps path: D:oraclevisapplfnd11.5.0secureVIS_appsvis.dbc

JDevelopre Path: C:JDEVjdevhomejdevdbc_filessecure

6. Set the Environment variables of O/S

My Computer → Advanced → Environment Variables → New →

Variable Name: JDEV_USER_HOME

Variable Value : C:JDEVjdevhomejdev

Testing Functionality of Jdeveloper

1. go to connection à Right Click à New database connection à Next à

Connection Name: test ( as desired )

Connection Type : Oracle ( JDBC )

2. User Name: apps

Host Name: localhost ( if the database is on the local system, else URL of DB server )

For details see the vis.dbc located in the folder :

4. Test Connection

The packages, which are used in the OA Frame Work Applications.

There are six package used in the OA Frame Work Applications.

Steps to Develop the Application

1. Create the workspace

2. Create the project

3. Create the package

4. Create the application module

5. Create the page

6. Set the properties of the page

1) Creation of Work Space

WorkSpace → Right-Click → New OA workspace

Directory Name: C:JDEVjdevbinjdevmyprojects

File Name: xxclinet.jws ( jws → Java Work Space )

Select Add a New OA Project

2) Creation of a project

Directory Name: C:JDEVjdevbinjdevmyprojects

Project name: First.jpr

Package Name:

Syntax: for Pack name

[] → it is an optional ( as desired )

Use Responsibility for design time

Supply the name of connection: test

Here New → to create a new connection

Edit → to change the name of the connection

DBC File Name : C:JDEVjdevhomejdevdbc_filessecurevis.dbc

User name: operations ( front end-user )

Password: welcome

Application short Name: PO


3) Create a package

Right click on .jpr file → New Business Component Package → Next

Package Name :

( Select Entity object mapped to database schema objects )

Connection Name: test

SQL Flavour: oracle

Type Map: oracle

User name: apps

Password: apps

Note: it generates test Connection

4) Create Application Module

Right Click on package → New Application Module → Next →

Name : TestAM

Package :

Next → Next → Next → Next → finish

Note: It generates the following files

5) Creation of a Page

Right Click on .jpr file → New → Web Tier → OA Components → Page → OK

Name: HelloPG

Package :

Note: It generates the file called: HelloPG.xml

6) Set the Properties of the page

Select the page → Structure →

Properties :

Id: mainRN

AM Definition: click on the list box and select the AM ( TestAM )

Window Title: Hello Page

Title: Hello This is my First Page

( at least one of the above two 1) Window Title 2) Title is required )

7) Build the Application

Right-click on .jpr → Re-build

8) Run the Page Go to XML → Right Click → Run Page

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Working with items:

Adding Items to region

Before creating items take a header region ( as desired )

Naming Convention for Region :

Name Starts with purpose

Name ends with RN

Right Click on Region1(RootRN)/ (HeaderRN) → item

Text Field:


Id : UserId

Item Style : messageTextInput

Prompt : User Name

Data Type : VARCHAR2 ( As desired )

Comments : Created for Login User Id

Required : Yes ( Yes → Mandatory field, No → Optional )

Read only : True ( to make it as read only filed, we can not edit the filed )

False → we can edit the filed.

( use for Id generating automatically , used with database sequence )

Disable : true ( to avoid the cursor focus into the text filed )

Maximum Length : the maximum that can be entered into the text filed.

Initial Value : default value

Additional Text : text to be displayed when muse over the item.

Rendered : false → to hide the text filed from the user.

CSS Class : setting back ground colors.

Length : Width of the text field, that can be visible to user

Height : 1 ( it will not generate multiple lines )

> 1 to generated the multiple lines automatically

Vertical Alignment : Top/Middle/Bottom ( Prompt alignment )

Tip Type : to display some hint message just below the text filed

Access Key : it is short cut key ( Alt + 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 )

Secret : true ( password ***** )

To create next item click any item → new → item (or) right click on Region

Submit Button:

Id : Go

Item Style: submitButton ( it will have default action)

Prompt : Go


Id : Clear

Item Style : resetButton ( to clear the form)

Text : Clear ( prompt )

Access Key ( Short Key )

Normal Button:

Id : go

Item Style : Button

Prompt : as desired

Action Type : fireAction ( like a trigger to get the action )

It will be handled inside of controller class.


Copy the required Image into

Item Style : Image

Image URI : ( imagefile.gif)

Additional Text : Mouse over message.


Id : lnk

Item Style : link

Text: Oracle Apps Home

Destination URI: HTTP://APPS.ORA.COM:8000

To Connect to Gmail site use: HTTP://WWW.GMAIL.COM

Check Box:

Id: job

Item style : messageCheckBox

Checked Value: MANAGER

Unchecked Value :

Initially Checked: true

The difference between Checkbox and Radio Button is that, Checkbox allows only single selection where as Radio Button allows Multiple Selection.

Radio Buttons :

First create RadiGroup

Next create Radio Buttons

Id : gender

Item style : messageRadioGroup

Data Type : VARCHAR2

Id : male

Item Style : messageRadioButton

Group Name : gender

Initial Vale : Male

Value Checked : Male

Prompt : MALE

Spacer: to provide the space between two components

Id : space

Height / Width ( as desired )

Raw Text: → to display some text


Item Style: rawText

Text : Oracle Apps Frame Work ( as desired )

Separator: to place the separator between components

Text Editor:

Id: address

Item Style: richTextEditor

Vertical alignment: Top

Spacer: → to provide the space between two components


Id : hireDate

Item Style : messageTextInput

Data Type : DATE

Prompt : Date Of Joining

tipType : dateFormat

TipMessage (Hint Message): First store message into the database table called: FND_NEW_MESSAGES with the help of Apps front end.


Application Developer → Application → Messages

Course Schedule
Oracle Application Framework (OAF) TrainingSep 07 to Sep 22View Details
Oracle Application Framework (OAF) TrainingSep 10 to Sep 25View Details
Oracle Application Framework (OAF) TrainingSep 14 to Sep 29View Details
Oracle Application Framework (OAF) TrainingSep 17 to Oct 02View Details
Last updated: 04 Apr 2023 About Author

Yamuna Karumuri is a content writer at Her passion lies in writing articles on IT platforms including Machine learning, PowerShell, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Selenium, MSBI, and so on. You can connect with her via LinkedIn.